The Expendable Workout
Ex’pend’a’ble: Designed to be used only once and then abandoned or destroyed.
Well today’s training session isn’t to be abandoned, but I want you to walk into it with the attitude of it being the last possible training session of your life. In other words, you’ve got to be “all in” with The Expendable Workout. Keep on reading and make sure that chin strap is tight my friend.
The Expendable Workout
Warm Up:
A Skips: 15 R&L Legs
B Skips: 15 R&L Legs
Kettlebell Static Groin Stretch: 10 With A Pause At The Bottom Of Goblet squat
Shoulder Warm Up: Palms To Face; Palms To Head–15 R&L Arms
Conditioning Footwork And Quickness…Recommended Equipment: Agility Ladder
Agility Ladder Foot Hops: 5 Note: With all agility ladder drills a complete repetition is counted when the trainee has covered the distance to the opposite end of the ladder and back to the starting point.
Agility Ladder Quick Foot Shuffle Drill: 5
Agility Ladder Rear Crossover Shuffle: 5
Agility Ladder Hip Twists (Lumbar Twists): 5
Power Production. These drills are to be executed with power and precision for optimal performance benefits. Remember that quality always trumps quantity so give your best effort and make sure not to perform these to the point that you are so fatigued that your form is compromised.
Note: If you aren’t accustomed to plyometric drills and need more time DO NOT perform the listed plyometric single leg drills here. Instead perform the listed single leg drills with BOTH legs (bilateral) to allow for a greater adaptation period. Recommended Equipment: Soft Jam Medicine Ball, Plyometric Boxes
Medicine Ball Power Slams: 3×10
Rotational Med Ball Slams: 3×7 (right and left sides)
Single Leg Jumps: 3×5 (right and left sides) Note: Jump off of one leg and land on BOTH. Absorb your landing by landing soft as if you’re landing on a glass surface. Make sure to flex at your ankles, knees, and hips.
Single Leg Box Jumps: 3×5 (right and left sides)
Strength So Your Gainzzz Aren’t Expendable! Recommended Equipment: Kettlebells, Dumbbells, Pull Up Bar
Kettlebell Snatch: 3×5 (right and left arm)
Push Up Dumbbell Drags: 3×5 (right and left sides)
Make sure you drop a comment below in the comment box to let me know what you think! Keep training smart.
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