The Sprinter’s Powerhouse – The Glute-Hamstring Combination!
- Can you run fast?
- Do you want to run faster?
- Is your approach to your training designed to enhance your ability to sprint with power and speed?
I want to explain the importance of glute and hamstring development as it pertains to SPEED and the sprinter’s powerhouse! If you have a legitimate interest in improving your ability to sprint then you need to read today’s article.
Sprinter’s Powerhouse
When you think about the muscles that are involved in sprinting we obviously think about the legs. However which specific muscles in your legs really have to “fire” to get you up to a blazing pace?

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The answer to this question that involve the muscles for sprinting are in your butt (glutes) and hamstrings (back of the legs between your knees and glutes). That’s right, it’s those big posterior muscles that give you the ability to GO!
Together these muscles are a powerful combination when it comes to driving and propelling your body forward in a series of quick plyometric bounds. That’s right, sprinting involves plyometric bounds that are executed in rapid fashion.
These muscles are literally pulling your body forward during a sprint just like a race horse powering down the track at the Kentucky Derby. Your quads (thighs) extend your leg forward for your foot to make immediate contact with the ground.
Meanwhile your glutes and hamstrings power the pull-back or pawing motion for you to execute every stride. You can develop these muscles most effectively through certain strength training exercises.
This can largely be done with movements involving the “pulling phase” of what I describe in my push/pull methodology of training. The development of these muscles are important for you whether you are a competitive athlete, or just a serious workout junky.
Most lifts that have to be executed for the development of these particular muscles generate tremendous leg power and back strength. Some examples of strength movements to fire and activate your posterior leg muscles involve the following.
- Deadlifts
- Kettlebell swings
- Single leg deadlift
- Hip thrust
- RDL’s
Sprinter’s Powerhouse: The Takeaway
At the end of the day you need to go and work on developing your sprinter’s powerhouse. Whether you’re a competitive sprinter or not this will help you to keep your edge. If you do you’ll live longer and look better as you get older while also enabling you to upgrade your MMA fitness, or other athletic needs if necessary.
What pulling type of movement patterns are you performing to improve your posterior muscles?
How often do you sprint in your training?
Post up in the comments here below.
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Great post. 9 out of 10 clients that I work with are lacking in posterior chain strength (glutes, hamstrings, spinal erectors etc…). Sprinting is one of the best way to develop and strengthen your posterior chain. Sprinting is also a killer way to lose fat.