Physical Dominance – The Best 2 Part Strength Training Workout For Physical Dominance!
In my professional opinion a truly successful strength training routine should incorporate the use of kettlebells. This ancient device is second to nothing in helping you to forge a body that is lean, powerful, and overall better conditioned than anything. I have included a hard hitting 2 part strength training workout to give you a serious “bump” in your strength and fitness training routine. Read and apply!
1. The Kettlebell Long Cycle: This is a great kettlebell lift that basically involves the movement of single arm swinging the bell from between your legs, cleaning it to your chest, and finally completing a push press (or jerk). The key is to follow suit in reverse once you jerk the bell overhead. The key to this lift is to set up the jerk press continuously without setting the bell on the ground. This continuous movement is tremendous for helping you to develop superior core strength, shoulder stability, hip mobility, and overall dominant cardiovascular conditioning. By implementing this drill into your strength training arsenal you will quickly start to build a level of physical power that is unmatched by just about anything else you could try.
2. The Dual Kettlebell Man Makers: This is one challenging functional strength training workout that will change your physical abilities for the better in a hurry! For this particular drill you will need the availability of a pair of moderately heavy kettlebells of equal weight. Perform a proper dual bell clean lift to rack the kettlebells at your chest. From here you simply set the bells back on the ground and perform a squat thrust off of the bells. Make sure that you don’t let go of the handles and stabilize your body on the bells as you perform the squat thrust. Once you complete the squat thrust simply perform another clean to repeat the process. This exercise is awesome in helping you to develop overall core strength and explosive power.
If you haven’t included the dynamic method of this ancient art form into your strength training workouts then you are truly missing out. Remember that anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart my friend.
To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My “Better Than Steroids Ebook” by clicking here:http://www.betterthansteroidsebook.com
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