Rugged Strength Training: The Untold Benefits Of Outdoor Training
The original publishing date of this outdoor training article was back on June 9, 2016.
This article is one that I thought you might need to read especially if you’re interested in changing your training environment by doing some outdoor training. If you’ve been considering such a change in your program then you will want to take the time to read this article. Here you can better understand what you might be dealing with involving the change.
Perception may be the “reality” to you. If you fail to pause and look beneath the surface to seek out what is really going on then your perception will be your reality. This is true whether for good, or for bad. If you believe the only way to get in a full day’s work in your training is by having access to a fully stocked weight room then I’m here to tell you that your perception is NOT the reality. If you want to learn about the benefits of outdoor training then keep on reading my young Jedi!
Rugged Outdoor Training
If your perception is that you must have a gym order to achieve results then you are sadly mistaken. Now don’t get me wrong. I love weights, barbells, benches, racks, and even air conditioning. However these things aren’t necessary for you to lock down some serious gains with your strength and conditioning work.
If you have to you can resort to training outdoors. You can even work semi-outdoors by transforming your garage, or basement into a strength and conditioning facility. Let’s go over some of the untold benefits of outdoor training.
A Miserable Environment Is A Quality Environment (Most Of The Time):
Let’s face it, most health clubs you walk into consists of people that are too distracted. People are distracted by the news, sports stations, and TV shows rather than actually training. They are too busy sizing up their “workout attire” while being worried about what kind of music is playing through their headsets. This is their focus rather than the wrestling match they’re going to be getting into with the iron for the day.
The way I see it is that society has become too mentally and physically weak as it is. So why should we perpetuate that soft weak lifestyle with a cushy training environment? This is part of the problem.
It’s been my experience that when things are a bit uncomfortable it forces a sort of concentration and focus on the task at hand. It forces you to dig your heels in and do the work. This added focus and desire has always served me very well.
The Advantage Of Space:
If you’re fairly dynamic with your strength and conditioning work then you may have some tricks up your sleeve. The fact is some drills require additional space. You may not necessarily get this with the luxury of training under a roof. Sometimes you just need to apply some power drills and running combinations that you just can’t do indoors. Case in point.
Triple extension of these joints is achieved here by the medicine ball throw itself and there’s no real limitation as to how hard, how far, or how high I should throw the ball because being outdoors doesn’t place any limiting factors on those areas of the drill.
Secondly, once the throw is executed chasing down the ball to set up for a subsequent throw is a great little element to add to the cardio conditioning component of the drill. The rugged strength benefits can really pay off with this type of strength training scenario.
Outdoor Training: Benefitting From A Change Of Scenery
All too often a training environment may become stagnant simply because you get tired of looking at it! Even for the most disciplined lifter, or iron veteran the repetition of the same training environment over and over again can cause one to become stale with their focus and progression.

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I work on changing things up from time to time by trying to first think about a truly different and unique training atmosphere that I can use outdoors. Once I do this I work to formulate a plan in order to leverage what I can around that environment in order to make it effective.
For instance, if I’m sick of training indoors and I’m at a loss on what I can do in order to train my grip because I don’t have medicine balls, dumbbells, barbells, or kettlebells…I may resort to lifting stones, bricks, or even logs for the purpose of strengthening my grip.
Outdoor Training: The Takeaway
The other key to training in an outdoor, or semi-outdoor setting is that you can utilize the space closest to you for your convenience. Your garage, or yard can be easily transformed into a strength and conditioning training ground with little to no expense.
You can leverage the use of car tires, sledgehammers, bricks, rocks, and rope to set up an array of drills that you can perform right at home. This saves time, money, and drastically increases the odds of you being consistent with your training over time.
Are you currently looking to adopt an outdoor training program?
Are you looking to transform your garage, or basement into your own strength and conditioning facility?
Post up and share below.
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