The Mental Edge: Beating The Doubt Monster & Blazing Your Own Trail
The original publishing date of today’s article went up on June 16, 2016.
If you are currently battling with fear and doubt in your life then you are probably in the middle of a fight with a character I refer to as the Doubt Monster. You can win this battle if you want, but you need to understand that you MUST do so in a very specific way.
I think you’ll find today’s article helpful if you’re in your own battle with this character. Make sure to share this with your family and friends. Read and apply.
The key to being able to make the biggest gains both in training and in life is to devote yourself to a cause and to not let up from pursuing that cause regardless of what setbacks, attacks, and downfalls you may encounter. This is where you will find yourself at a crossroads deciding whether or not to weather the storm, or to get blown off the path like a feather in a tornado. If it were easy then everyone would do it, but rest assured that you will learn a lot about yourself and what it takes to have the mental edge to overcome hardship and failure.
The Mental Edge: Beating The Doubt Monster
I remember years ago asking my friend and retired Navy SEAL Brad McLeod (Founder Of SEALGrinder PT) about his experience in BUDs training which is where some of the most brutal training on the planet takes place within our military. If you’re not familiar with this the attrition rate for those that go into BUDs is close to 90% and the guys that enter are already tough as nails.
Knowing that the entire experience was incredibly difficult…my question to him was about which part of the whole process was most difficult for him? He replied by talking about how he didn’t care for the cold water and that the challenge for him was overcoming the doubt monster and how it took everything he had to wrestle that beast to the ground.
Ever since that conversation I can say that I personally could relate to having to fight the doubt monster. Now certainly for me it wasn’t in a scenario such BUDs training, but in life we all come to that point in our journey where that doubt monster tries to start showing his ugly head.

Sharpen your mental edge by starting with your physical edge! To do this jump on my 120 Day Functional Fitness program. Just click the image above to start!
The Mental Edge: Cut Off The Monster’s Food Supply
When faced with the Doubt Monster it can sometimes try to rule your mind. It can feed on your fears, your insecurities, and your failures. This perception is not a healthy one and in most cases it’s not even close to being an accurate assessment of who you are and what you are capable of doing. The fact is that we are all better off than we realize and are far more capable of a lot more than we ever give ourselves credit for having. Knowing this you shouldn’t fall into the trap of feeding that monster…ever!
Anyone that says that they have never wrestled with the doubt monster is lying. Everyone does…but not everyone is willing to keep up the good fight. The biggest nastiest fight you’ll ever experience is the one that occurs within yourself. You, me, and everyone on the planet will never experience a heavyweight match bigger than that one.

If you can master your mental edge then you can master anything. The catalyst to doing this involves you sharpening your physical edge. Allow me to help by jumping on my 120 Day Functional Fitness program. Just click the image above to get started.
When we try to look at how the outside world views us through our own eyes it’s an impossible feat. How could we possible get an accurate view of what other people’s perception is of us? I mean think about that statement for a second. How could we see how other people view us through “their” eyes? That’s an impossible feat.
So in reality I don’t worry about what others think. In fact, I really never have. This is one aspect of self doubt I’ve never really fed the Doubt Monster. Sure, I’ve had other food for him, but that’s never been a side item that I’ve served up to him.
To accomplish the things that you need to achieve you need to deprive the Doubt Monster of any food. You can’t feed it with more doubt. Because if you allow your doubts and fears to rule you then those things will eventually paint a more false view in your mind. Ultimately this will end up plaguing you.
The key is being able to ignore that doubt. You want to strive to allow that remaining 60% (as stated in the previous video) that’s left in the tank to keep pushing forward in whatever struggle you are facing.
The Mental Edge: The Takeaway
At the end of the day the biggest enemy is that damn Doubt Monster inside your head. Don’t feed him. Lock that SOB in the basement, ignore him, and throw away the key.
The strength that grows from your fights with him will give you greater perspective. As a result you’ll understand that failure is NOT fatal…unless you accept that it is in your own mind.
There is always hope in a situation because to have the mental edge to blaze your own trail in life you’ve got to understand that the Doubt Monster doesn’t rule you, but rather you rule it.
Now that is the definition of true strength my friend. I hope you enjoyed today’s post. If so then please don’t be shy about posting up in the comments section here below. Stay strong. Be better. Don’t be a victim.
Learn how to sharpen your mental edge by sharpening your physical edge! To start check out my 120 Day Functional Fitness Training Program right here below!
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