The Kettlebell Snatch: How To Get It Right!
One of the coolest weapons you could have in your arsenal of lifts for physical training is the kettle bell snatch. Man…talk about a dynamic lift that involves serious power, grace, technical control, and can still build the endurance of a champion. The kettle bell snatch is certainly one of my biggest go tos for overhead lifting…as long as it can be done right! Today we’re talking about how to get the kettlbell snatch done right!
Progressing To The Kettlebell Snatch…
Mastery of movement is always the emphasis in the BRF camp and when it comes to the kettle bell snatch this is certainly no different. The beauty of the snatch lift is that it allows us to execute an overhead lift for shoulder stability, hip drive, and total coordination of the body. The lift is certainly made up of a series of technical steps before the final product is so elegantly displayed by the experienced lifter.
The point of today’s blogisode is to help you understand some of those technical steps to a high enough degree that you are able to seamlessly and confidently execute this powerful lift. So where do we start? Well for starters the kettle bell snatch is certainly a lift that requires the sound execution of other more foundational prerequisite kettle bell movements and the double arm kettle bell swing as at that foundation. Here’s a bit of clarification on that.
After the standard double arm kettle bell swing the single arm swing must also be executed with seamless ability by the lifter before moving on to the snatch. Essentially you must have a handle on executing a dynamic hinging and extension of the hips and knees while handling the loaded cannonball. Load up the hips and crush your grip and the result of your single arm swing should look like this.
As you can see here the process is starting to look similar to a kettle bell snatch. The only remaining element is being able to bring that bell overhead like a boss. The thing to remember is that the process is just that…a process.
As a rule of thumb make sure when you are swinging the bell with a single arm to firmly grip the bell properly. I always stress the importance of this to my students by explaining this process.
For starters, if you are gripping with the right hand slide the grip further over to the left horn of the bell. If you are gripping with the left hand make sure to slide the hand over to the right horn of the bell. This allows the bell to more smoothly transition into a point of control during the swinging process and with other single arm kettle bell movements such as the clean and rack and snatch lift.
So when are we getting to the kettle bell snatch? Well by now you can see there are obviously a few technical things to address before we get to that kettle bell snatch and when we put all of these together we are down to executing the overhead snatch lift.
To combine most of what I’ve broken down for you here the only remaining element is understanding how to clean and rack the bell to the chest (low) and to then execute the same movement as the bell is brought overhead (high) in order to complete the snatch lift. For more clarification on this check this out.
Finally it all comes together! Now you’re ready to ramp up the intensity of your training and to confidently perform this unique lift with power and grace. The snatch is about leveraging your physical ability by mastering movement. When you’re doing this in the weight room you’re lighting up your competition on the field of play…period. The snatch is a great way to prove to yourself that your body is battle tested.
I hope you enjoyed today’s post and feel free to drop a comment down below. Be a boss and train smart!
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