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Push Up Intensity

Push Up Intensity

When talking about building strength and being able to do so in a way that is efficient and involves convenience there is no better way to do so than hitting the deck and cranking out a solid number of good old fashioned push ups! Whether you’re good at push ups or not you will want to tune in to this post to see just how powerful a little innovation can be! 

Push Ups And More…

Plenty of folks engage in push ups on a regular basis, but the truth is that a large part of the population that does usually ends up doing so incorrectly. Since this is the case I decided to include a little clarification on the matter right here just as a reminder of how one should go about cranking out a set with some solid technique. 

As you can see those are some solid rules to keep in mind when doing a standard push up. Ok I know, I know…so your push ups are rock solid and you need a new challenge? What next coach? 

Well to build off of the original technical issue of scapula stability that I pointed out in the video another great variation to build upon this is with implementing the very challenging and cool looking gliding push ups. All it takes to perform gliding push ups is a single furniture moving disc, or sliding disc of some kind that will easily move across carpet or turf. 

Gliding push ups can be performed in a number of various ways, but for the sake of this discussion I’m going to cover gliding push ups that integrate greater shoulder movement through flexion, extension, abduction, and adduction. Check out the gliding push ups here. 

Now these will certainly challenge you and if you don’t believe me just head on over to Home Depot to get yourself a set of moving discs and come home to give them a try. 

So What Do These Do? 

As you can see in the video with this particular variation of gliding push ups one hand is positioned on the floor while the other is sliding the disc. Because of this you are essentially performing 2 different moves within a single exercise. Basically you are going to be pushing with the grounded hand while pulling with the gliding hand in order to bring yourself into the upright position. 

This is going to give you the feel of a one arm push up while at the same time feeling like a one arm pull up with the other hand. This particular movement will really engage the lats and serratus through the gliding hand.

Additionally it’s great for training tremendous body movement by having to control the gliding of the discs as you ascend out of each movement. There is a tremendous amount of tension placed on the muscles by doing the push ups in this manner.

Because of the greater control that is needed to ascend up out of this push up you’ll find the rep count go down significantly when compared to the conventional push up drill. These will ramp up your push up intensity.  Give these a shot and please post up in the comment box below to let me hear about your gliding push up adventure! Keep training smart. 

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I'm a Certified Strength And Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) and author. I have had over 17 years experience in MMA fitness, strength and conditoning, and athletic performance for most every sport. As an author and specialist I've written close to a million words on fitness and strength. I'm also a Muay Thai practictioner and enjoy helping others to reach their peak potential through fitness and performance.

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