Protecting Your Shoulders When Lifting…
by: Brandon Richey–Get Free Updates And Training Guides Here
Protecting Your Shoulders When Lifting…
In today’s blogisode I’m expanding on an important element of strength training involving the protection of your shoulders. Yes, I’m acting like your shoulder guard. The key to lifting anything is making sure you lift it well! Today, I’m actually talking about how you can lift well and in the process ensure that your shoulders don’t blow out like a couple of tires on a race car that just hit the wall doing 200 mph! Ok maybe the risk isn’t that high, but you get where I’m coming from.
Protecting Your Shoulders…
So once again I’ve got to thank another one of you guys for emailing me with a great question. Last week I received an email from one of my subscribers James asking me to elaborate on something he’s heard me state before both from the site and from my Brandon Richey’s Better Than Steroids ebook.
The question was about the concept of shoulder packing. So to give the ole fingers a little break from pounding on the keyboard I decided to make this video to help both you guys and James with understanding this concept. Enjoy.
So hopefully I cleared it up there with the video. The problem that I pointed out in the video with people having the tendency to “reach for the sky” when pressing is more common than you may think. If you try the experiment that I pointed out here in the video you’ll immediately feel that shoulder head pull down to secure in a very stable position. You’ll also notice that this is a very strong feeling and the joint doesn’t feel compromised in the least.

Being able to do this requires some kinesthetic learning and having a “good feel” as to how to place your joints in stable and strong positions rather than unstable weak positions. Wow that word “kinesthetic learning” was fancy right? Well it really is which is why I would also encourage you to follow that link to read and understand that concept as well.
The bottom line is that there are NOT going to be any blown shoulders here if you can do what you should be doing in order to take care of yourself. So hopefully the shoulder guard came to the rescue for you today and I presented you with the skills to not only guard and protect those shoulders, but to help you to build them stronger as well my friend.

If you need additional help and insight, or you just like being hammered with killer knowledge bombs like you got here today then make sure you get yourself a copy of my Brandon Richey’s Better Than Steroids ebook right here. 😉
If you have found this to be helpful or you have some experience of your own to share then please don’t be shy about leaving a comment of your own in the comment box below. Remember that most anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart my friend!
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Protecting Your Shoulders When Lifting…
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Thanks Brandon! Cleared it up for me. Hey you make me feel important, doing a video just for that. Thanks again!
Hey James no problem my friend! You are important! That’s why I made the video. 🙂 Anytime you have a question don’t be shy about posting here my friend. You provided me with content, helped the other readers, and yourself all from a single question! Keep at bro. 🙂