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Killing Strength: Your Smart Phone Is Killing Your Gains!

Killing Strength: Your Smart Phone Is Killing Your Gains!

If you’ve been following my social media for any length of time you’ve probably noticed that I frequently point out certain distractions that the general public engages in way too much in this day and age. These distractions are specific behaviors that have without a doubt dumbed down the general population and may very well be killing everyone’s gains!

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Resourceful Strength: Making Big Gains With Minimal Equipment

Resourceful Strength: Making Big Gains With Minimal Equipment

  1. Are you short on equipment when it comes to your strength training? 
  2. Are you interested in learning more about how to make serious fitness and strength gains with minimal equipment? 
  3. Are you interested in building a solid and resourceful strength and conditioning plan using more bodyweight training, or with unconventional equipment such as kettlebells and medicine balls?

Yes, the more resources that are available to you the better, however those resources don’t always have to be defined as just having a fully stocked weight room. No, knowledge of training and the grit to leverage what resources you do have at your disposal are what will really yield you the biggest results! In short, a creative approach and the ability to tap into what you have will always trump just having access to a bunch of bells and whistles.

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Are You Neglecting This Strength Movement?

Are You Neglecting This Strength Movement?

Part of my job involves examining how people move and to also determine how they should be moving based on my experience as a coach and athlete. The reality is that more and more people in the general population are moving worse and worse in this day and age. This more than likely is because of the explosion of sitting jobs.

Today I’m not going to go down the same ‘ole path examining how poorly and immobilized people’s hips and shoulders are (ok maybe I will touch on this a little), but instead I’m going to look at another movement that many people neglect in their strength and conditioning training. Stay tuned my young Jedi of strength!

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Hand Conditioning: A Hard Body Starts With Strong Hands

Hand Conditioning: A Hard Body Starts With Strong Hands

I’m always hammering away on the importance of mental toughness. As far as I’m concerned in the world of the iron game there are three keys to success. The three main things every strong individual needs in order to achieve goals in strength are mental toughness, the discipline of persistence, and a set of strong hands!

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Strength: Physical Amnesia, The Order Of Operations, & How Form Follows Function

Strength: Physical Amnesia, The Order Of Operations, & How Form Follows Function

When it comes to the strength and fitness world every coach and trainer has always had that all too familiar conversation with a student or trainee.

Trainee: What exercises should I do for abs?

Me: We’ll get to that..let’s see how well you can squat.

Trainee: How many reps should I do?

Me: Just start and focus on this technique and I’ll tell you when to stop.

Questions, questions, questions. What are we training for?

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