Is the Kettlebell Best For Strength Or Endurance?
Is the kettlebell best for training for strength or endurance? Well, if you ask me both of these characteristics have to go hand in hand in terms of developing optimal performance. No strongman can last without some level of strength/endurance characteristics and no elite endurance athlete can either. You certainly have to train along a spectrum to where you want to obtain more strength if you are a weightlifter and more endurance if you are a marathoner, but there has to be some measurable characteristic of each embedded into a well-designed strength/endurance program.
The point I am trying to make is that by training with the kettlebell you can achieve both elements of strength and endurance with proper implementation of this device! The kettlebell is very much a “hybrid” type of training that consist of you having the ability to achieve total-body strength and an impressive amount of cardiovascular fitness. For either predominant strength or conditioning you can drastically improve your performance and ability within the competition that you happen to be involved in. Improving stamina or strength, power or endurance, kettlebell training is a great choice for both! Take the time to invest in learning the techniques involved in training with this device and you will not be disappointed.
In order for you to be a great athlete there has to be as much consistency of both strength and conditioning oriented lifts within your program to achieve an optimal state of athletic performance. Of course, depending on your athletic or competitive event you may favor one end of the spectrum over the other, but both elements should be present!
To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at: http://www.efandps.com |