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5 Simple And Fast Kettlebell Workouts For Lean Muscle

5 Simple And Fast Kettlebell Workouts For Lean Muscle

  1. Are you looking for some simple and fast kettlebell workouts for you to crank out anywhere and anytime? 
  2. Do you currently implement kettlebell workouts into your training routine? 
  3. Are you serious about self-improvement and building lean muscle? 

The goal of today’s article is simple with simple and fast kettlebell workouts. Today I want to introduce you to 5 time efficient kettlebell workouts that you can apply to your training anywhere at anytime. Look I understand the demands of having a fast paced life and these are just the workouts you need to get in the day’s work! There are a few requirements here for your to apply these to your routine, but that should be obvious. Regardless I promise these will kick your fitness program into high gear!

Simple And Fast Kettlebell Workouts 

To execute the following kettlebell workouts make sure that you have a single moderately heavy kettlebell on hand. Also make sure that you’re proficient in basic kettlebell lifting technique along with bodyweight calisthenics and sprinting. If you’re not proficient in foundational movements such as sprints, push-ups, swings, snatches, Turkish Get Up (TGU), and cleans then you need to learn these first.

A few things to note. After some of the exercises you’ll see two numbers with an “x” between them. In this case the first mentioned number equates to the number of sets you’ll perform. The second mentioned number after the “x” equates to the number of reps you’ll perform for the exercise. So as an example if you see 3×10 you’ll perform a total of 3 sets of 10 reps for that particular exercise.

Also if you see the word “superset” make sure to perform the first mentioned exercise and designated repetitions immediately followed by the second mentioned exercise and designated reps. In addition to this I’m including a general warm-up here below for you to implement prior to each workout.

Warm up:

Saddle stretch (static groin stretch): 2 minutes

Hip flexor stretch: 1 minute R&L leg

A Skips: 15 R&L legs

Leg kicks: 15&L legs

Black and white photo of a top view looking down at a kettlebell on the floor.

If you’re serious about results and are in need for some simple and fast kettlebell workouts then jump on my 30 Introductory Kettlebell Workouts. Click the image here to start!

1. Swings:

Kettlebell swings: 15×20=300


2. Swings and push-ups:


Kettlebell swings: 10×20=200

Push-ups: 10×10=100

Total: 300 reps


3. Cleans and push-ups: 


Kettlebell clean to rack: 10×5 R&L arm (10 total clean to rack: 5 on the right arm and 5 on the left)=100

Push-ups: 10×10=100

Total: 200 reps


4. Snatches and sprints: 


Kettlebell snatches: 10×5 R&L arm (10 total snatches: 5 on the right arm and 5 on the left)=100

Black and white image of Brandon performing a single arm swing transitioning the kettlebell from one hand to the other.

Simple and fast kettlebell workouts for getting you lean muscle are available here. Just click the image here to order now!

Sprint: 10×30 yards=300 yards

Total: 400 reps


5. Turkish Get Up (TGU): 

TGU: 20 R&L arm


Simple And Fast Kettlebell Workouts: The Takeaway

Keep in mind that you need to go into these workouts using a kettlebell size that you’re comfortable with for the given movements and reps. Make sure to use a weight that will challenge you for the given volume, but is not too heavy that you can’t complete the given workouts.

Are you currently using kettlebells in your training? 

How often do you currently train with kettlebells? 

Post up in the comments here below.

I’m here to help you along with developing your discipline, strength, power, and other muscular needs. You need to jump on my brand new 30 Introductory Kettlebell Workouts training program right here. Get some! 

Click Here To Order My 30 Introductory Kettlebell Workouts

Click On Image Below


Also if you want to learn how utilize kettlebells to give your training a serious upgrade then make sure you check out my brand new 120 Day Functional Fitness Training Program right here below! I guarantee it’ll get you into the best shape of your life, or I’ll give you your money back no questions asked.


Man holding an atlas stone on his shoulder displaying functional fitnessRelated Articles:

3 Steps To Build Your Turkish Get Up For MMA

Are Your Kettlebell Swings On Point?

3 Dynamic Kettlebell Movements For Optimal Mobility

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I'm a Certified Strength And Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) and author. I have had over 17 years experience in MMA fitness, strength and conditoning, and athletic performance for most every sport. As an author and specialist I've written close to a million words on fitness and strength. I'm also a Muay Thai practictioner and enjoy helping others to reach their peak potential through fitness and performance.

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