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The Sith Workout For MMA Strength And Conditioning

The Sith Workout For MMA Strength And Conditioning

Sometimes you just have to put your finger on the valve and let the pressure off. Therefore one way to do this effectively and in a positive manner is by taking your frustrations out on the iron in the gym. So here I’ve included a day’s training to incorporate a dual balance of both strength movements and athletic conditioning movements. As a result this will enhance your performance and fitness for MMA, sport, and life! So make time for the Sith Workout to include into your day’s training.

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The Bench Press…Overrated?

The Bench Press…Overrated?

So the topic of today’s discussion is going to involve the good ole bench press. So what can I say about the bench press other than the fact that it is probably the most misused and abused exercise involving the upper body and free weights since the invention of strength training, period.

Often trainees that don’t understand the proper technique involved with the bench press practice with terrible habits and even worse form for long periods of time until one day something stupid happens to get their attention. The point I’m making is why wait for that day to come because I’m going investigate this exercise right here for your knowledge obtaining convenience. Read on my young Jedi!

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The Expendable Workout

Ex’pend’a’ble: Designed to be used only once and then abandoned or destroyed. 

Well today’s training session isn’t to be abandoned, but I want you to walk into it with the attitude of it being the last possible training session of your life. In other words, you’ve got to be “all in” with The Expendable Workout. Keep on reading and make sure that chin strap is tight my friend.

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Bodyweight Exercises You’d Be Crazy To Ignore!

Bodyweight Exercises You’d Be Crazy To Ignore!

So I woke up this morning and stumbled into the kitchen to flip the switch on the coffee maker only to realize that I was stumbling simply because I was very sore. I mean I was more sore than usual. I’ve made it a point to include more rotational movement into my personal strength training program as of late, plus it didn’t hurt that I went through a pretty gruesome Muay Thai training session last night which was headed up by my good friend Jeff Perry who is a retired #6 world ranked Thai boxing champion.

Yep, that might have had something to do with it as well. I know what you are thinking. You must think I have the mindset of Gary Busey to do something like that; right? Well, not quite.

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The Ronin Workout

The Ronin Workout

Ronin: A samurai with no lord or master; a lone warrior. 

Today’s workout is called The Ronin Workout because I think it’s fitting for those of you who may like to train predominately on your own, or with a very select group, to just “get it done.” In this way you are self guided, much like a Ronin samurai that may seek out a mission to accomplish on his or her own. This is why I believe you’ll appreciate today’s workout. 

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