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Part 2: Physical Training Protocols Of Choice…Kettlebells & Bodweight

Part 2: Physical Training Protocols Of Choice…Kettlebells & Bodweight

by: Brandon Richey

Part 2: Physical Training Protocols Of Choice…Kettlebells & Bodyweight


Since Georgia’s Snowmaggedon went out of its way to leave its mark I decided to make the best of it. I also wanted to use it to display the next physical training protocol of discussion. In Part 1 I addressed solely weightlifting, and today I want to look into examining the implementation of bodyweight and kettlebells. 

Kettlebells And Bodyweight…

So to continue the discussion of training protocols I think we can all agree that much of this comes out from which training method  is best for us as individuals. In other words, which training method is going to give me the results that best suit my skills, needs, and goals? As stated I talked about this at length in Part 1, but with today’s topic of kettlebells and bodyweight I want to outline some pros and cons associated with these as well. 

Stock up and start creating your own arsenal of kettlebells right here!

RCK Authentic Kettlebells

To begin, you’ve probably noticed that I’ve lumped kettlebells and bodyweight together as a single choice protocol. Obviously these two can be discussed and examined in a completely separate manner, but for the sake of time and the preservation of my fingers I figured I would try to combine these two methods for today’s discussion. 

To be fair I personally combine bodyweight and kettlebells anyway. In other words, I don’t think I ever “just do kettlebell work” without combining some bodyweight work during training. To me they go together like peanut butter and jelly, or death and taxes (sorry, I know neither one of those are a pretty picture). Anyways, the point is I like putting them together.

Here are some of the pros associated with kettlebell and bodyweight training. If you regularly implement these methods then perhaps these are familiar to you, but if they aren’t then maybe it’s food for thought.   

Kettlebell And Bodyweight Pros: 

  1. It’s A Cost Effective Method Of Training
  2. It’s A Time Efficient Method Of Training
  3. This Method Can Be Done Almost Anywhere And At Anytime
  4. The Programming Can Be Scaled To Benefit Most Any Physical Or Athletic Scenario
  5. Tremendous For Improving Mobility, Core Stability, And Overall Better Body Awareness 

As you can see for the relative lack of equipment needed to implement this training protocol it can pay you back in a big big way. I mean kettlebell work and bodyweight training can be carried out in your yard, in your living room, in the weight room, or even outside in the middle of Snowmaggedon! 

Yes, that was a cold training session, but it was fun. That was the point.  As you can see the application of these two methods of training are hugely beneficial and this type of training can be fun to carry out particularly when your environment triggers the creativity of pulling off some different movements…such as performing a burpee face first into the snow! I mean it’s all relative, right?  

Here’s a great guide for some bodyweight exercises that can be done anywhere and at anytime!

Pushing the Limits with Al Kavadlo

Now after pointing out all of this you might be thinking well coach “Are there any drawbacks?” The fact is that there can be potential drawbacks to most anything especially if you consider all the variables and possibilities involved with a given situation. 

Now having said that I will list out some cons here for you that I tend to see trending when looking at bodyweight and kettlebell training as it relates to most people. 

Kettlebell And Bodyweight Cons

  1. Lack Of Knowledge And Proper Application
  2. Lack Of Variation 
  3. There’s Still Too Much Narrow Mindedness For Mass Appeal
  4. Doesn’t Offer The Same Stress/Adaptation Benefits Of Free Weights

As you can see these pretty much sum up most any drawback that can be associated with this method of training. Kettlebells and bodyweight aren’t the End All of strength development, but they can offer a great deal to those that may have other restrictions in their life or schedule. Also to be clear on #4 I’m just pointing out for example that if one has intentions of wanting to acquire a 500 lb. squat or a 600 lb. deadlift then they’re going to need to get their hands on some different tools. 

The bottom line is that being able to utilize a healthy balance of multiple training protocols can be MOST beneficial. However I wanted to utilize this series to offer a fair breakdown of each one and to address some so that maybe you can take the information to examine your current approach to training. 

I hope you enjoyed today’s post and please feel free to post up your questions and comments below this article in the comment box below. Remember that most anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart my friend. Start your smart training today! 

Related Articles: 

Bodyweight Exercises You’d Be Crazy To Ignore!

Part 3 Of High Impact Strength Movements…Pull Ups

Quick Workouts For A Hectic High Speed Life Schedule!

Part 2: Physical Training Protocols Of Choice…Kettlebells & Bodyweight





I'm a Certified Strength And Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) and author. I have had over 17 years experience in MMA fitness, strength and conditoning, and athletic performance for most every sport. As an author and specialist I've written close to a million words on fitness and strength. I'm also a Muay Thai practictioner and enjoy helping others to reach their peak potential through fitness and performance.

This Post Has 3 Comments
  1. A succinct and solid overview of the two systems. A fundamental lack of knowledge and proper technique is a real drawback to body weight training routines. Most people are hard pressed to name any more than a handful of body weight exercises and are unaware of the variety of formats they can be performed in, eg., adding the element of dynamic tension to push-ups.

    I also think a perception problem is inherent with an American audience as our exposure to body weight exercises tends to be restricted to our time as a child in PE class … it’s just not adult enough. Fortunately, guys like Wade, Kavadlo, your good self, as well as some others, are out there championing the cause.

    Excellent point on selecting the right tools for the intended goal and this leads to another issue facing people when selecting their training vehicle. “Get in shape.” … “Be healthier.” … “Add some muscle.” … “Lose some fat.” … and so on really are not goals built out sufficiently for making an informed decision in the matter. I approach it as an Instructional Designer. The Goal is identified, and then a series of Objectives created that fully support, and ultimately culminate in, meeting the Goal. It takes some serious and informed thought to put it all together.

    For most, a better approach would be to purchase “Better than Steroids” and some of the other complete program works now available. The thinking has been done, the routines clearly established, and it’s just a matter of actually doing what is suggested. Lots of roads of travel available these days. Avoiding dead end streets, or ending up nowhere near what a person really wanted are hazards that can be negated for the price of a download or paper back. The authentic information on the open market today represents the closely guarded secrets of the past. Avoiding the lure of well marketed fads and winnowing through all the false guru crap is a problem, however, staying with established sources whose message has remained consistent over time is a readily available guiding light.

    1. Doc, once again you offer a very clear cut means of communication and have a way with words that appeals to me. I like the “clear cut” style of communication leaving out the BS and pouring in the logic.

      In addition to this your points on adopting the methods of the past that may be seen by many as “child like” such as with push ups, calisthenics, and other bodyweight methods proves to be natures way of keeping us fit for our respective environments, period. This is all the value we need and the “health club” image of fitness has warped that image for much of the population.

      It means a lot to me as a strength coach to get the nod of approval from an athlete (and a tactical athlete at that) such as yourself. The endorsement says a lot and between both our backgrounds I know the message of what works is of genuine quality. Let’s just hope the message we believe can convert that warped section of the population that I mentioned at the end of the last paragraph. Thanks again Doc and keep training smart!

  2. So, I’m was going through some required training for licensure all last week. During our breaks I would knock out some one armed push-ups, Hindu Squats, and walk up and down the outside stairs.

    A few of the other guys in attendance caught me chilling out after lunch and asked me what gym I belonged to. My answer was “Planet Earth” to which they replied “I’ve never heard of it; where’s it located … how much does it cost?” Too funny and “No” I didn’t bother answering them.

    I’m working in a couple of KB exercises first thing in the morning these days … Swings and Get Ups for now. I find that KB exercises really get my metabolism cranking and helps me center my mind by forcing me to concentrate on technique. With a pronounced emphasis on proper breathing, and the rapid exert then relax cycle in Swings … they’re also a form of moving meditation for me.

    Since I’m state side for now I have the luxury of using an actual KB rather than one of my sandbag jerry rigged deals. It never ceases to amaze me how much I get out of such a simple piece of equipment. They are also relatively inexpensive and require very little space for the exercises. Everyone serious about the fit life style should own at least one and of equal or greater importance … actually use it properly on a regular basis.

    You have some excellent e-Books that detail KB exercises and your solid, sound training materials are very affordable. A person can order a KB on line through Walmart and pick up a 35 pounder for under $50 of good enough quality for most of us. Under $50 for the KB, another $29 for your e-Book course with videos … about $75. That’s a dinner date and movie with the exception being the KB and instructional material purchase will last a life time and you’re not rolling the dice on the dinner being less than satisfactory and/or the movie being lousy.

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