A Rope and a Kettlebell – One Serious Workout!
If you want to take your fitness level to another dimension then this article is just for you! All you need is a moderately heavy bell and a solid rope that is about inch to an inch and a half in diameter and at least 20 feet long. To execute this exercise drill you will need sufficient open and flat space to pull it off. Tie the rope securely to the kettlebell. Make sure you are in a place where there is nothing and no one to around to get hit by you when you are attempting this drill.
To solidly execute this drill all you have to do is start swinging the bell with the rope around in a circle. Hold the rope firmly with both arms and use your body as the pivot point of the drill. Execute up to 3 swings and let go of the rope to allow the bell to propel as far away from you as possible. Make sure that for each throw you release the bell at the same point every time. As soon as the bell hits the ground pull it with rope as fast as you can back to you. Essentially you are swinging it in a circle for 3 full rotations and letting go. Then you are immediately reeling it in, as soon as, it hits the ground. Make sure to switch directions on your rotation with every throw. This drill will significantly build your strength and cardiovascular fitness.
The key is to make sure you take precautions to not injure yourself and anyone else when you decide to implement this drill. Practice frequently and flawlessly!
To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at: http://www.efandps.com |