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What I Really Like About The Iron Bell!

What I Really Like About The Iron Bell!

Kettlebell Training at the Brea Dam by mbodystrengthKettlebell Arch by ReActive Gym

I have been asked on a frequent basis, so Brandon what do you really like about the kettlebell? What about it is any different from engaging in any of these other methods of training such as P90 X, EDT, or the new popular supsension training? Well the truth is that the kettlebell can be used with some of these methods mentioned and even integrated into the scope of these other styles.
I think people often get “caught up” in thinking that you should attempt one type of training and stay with that style and that style only. This is not a real effective mindset to have in terms of developing a sound strength and conditioning program. You see I like to think of all of these methods of training the way I would think of a tool in a toolbox. Imagine a toolbox full of many tools. All are useful, but not all are very versatile. This is how I think of the kettlebell. The iron bell is a tool in the tool box, but it just happens to be one of the most versatile tools in the box. Also by engaging in some of these other styles of training you can get into great shape. The bell will also get you into great shape. The one thing that rings true though is that by engaging in something like kettlebell training and then attempting to do a dynamic style such as the suspension training you will be able to adapt relatively well. You see by practicing with the bell you can get better at doing the suspension training, but by practicing just with the suspension training it won’t make you better at handling the kettlebell. This is the distinction.
Don’t misconstrue what I am saying. The suspension training is great, but I am just merely making the point about what I like the most about kettlebell training. Many of you have been asking so I felt compelled to put my professional opinion out there. Remember that people can train hard, but only the best train smart! Training smart is kettlebell training and kettlebell training is training smart. Commit that to memory.


I'm a Certified Strength And Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) and author. I have had over 17 years experience in MMA fitness, strength and conditoning, and athletic performance for most every sport. As an author and specialist I've written close to a million words on fitness and strength. I'm also a Muay Thai practictioner and enjoy helping others to reach their peak potential through fitness and performance.

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