3 Guaranteed Ways To Build Hard Lean Muscle As Fast As Possible
The original publishing date of today’s article was back on November 10, 2016.
The formula for building lean muscle is not complicated. In fact the formula is rather simple. However, simple doesn’t mean easy. These are often two variables that people confuse and conflate under the following circumstances.
If building lean muscle were easy then everyone would be walking around looking like ancient Spartans, but that is certainly not the case. However I’ll attempt to shed some light on the training side of this to explain a simple plan that you can apply to yourself. After reading please share this out with family and friends to help spread the word!
- Are you serious about trying to build lean muscle?
- Do your workouts produce optimal fitness and optimal results?
- Are you looking to get straight to the point with your training concerning results?
- Are your lean muscle gains coming too slowly for your expectations?
People are motivated by different things. Because of this building lean muscle always seems to find a spot in the equation. When it comes to fitness what do you value? Do you motivate yourself to look better? Are you motivated to feel better? Do you motivate yourself to perform better for the purpose of competition? Are you just motivated to burn off that $3.00 combo value meal?
I only ask these questions because the thing that makes one individual tick may not have any bearing on the next person. Well no matter what motivates you the thing that makes all of this work is lean hard muscle and today I want to talk about three guaranteed ways you can achieve just that!
Why You’re Not Gaining Lean Muscle

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Most people are looking for ways to build lean muscle, but the one biggest reason that holds people back is the lack of follow through. That’s right, most people just don’t follow through on all fronts on a consistent basis. When it comes to building lean muscle and fitness you have to be comprehensive in your approach.
Aside from variables such as training modality, training philosophy, equipment, resources, etc. the real reasons concerning the failure of people to build lean hard muscle is the lack of commitment and dedication. It really is that simple. People these days just sort of want to do things and sort of wanting to do things really leads to getting nothing done at all.
I have met several people over the years that were in reasonably good shape. These people were capable of doing some impressive things in terms of strength and athleticism, but lacked a discipline in other areas for building lean muscle. This is a concrete example of failing to follow through in all areas.
How To Build Lean Muscle
Perform Major Multi-Joint Lifts: Performing multi-joint lifts such as squats, deadlifts, and variations of bench press helps to recruit big muscle groups in turn driving a higher demand on the metabolism to help you burn a shitload more calories. By consistently performing multi-joint movements you’re going to get much more out of your training.
That’s right, major multi-joint lifts leverage more muscle and stress your body’s nervous system to a higher degree. This builds strength. The more strength you have the more muscle you have. Therefore the more muscle you have the more calories you burn, period.
This will lead to a higher basal metabolic rate. Because of this you’ll be able to burn calories at a higher level with a more efficiently trained body. Therefore raising your basal metabolic rate allows you to burn these calories at a high level even when you are at rest.
The beauty of performing multi-joint lifts is that they can be easily done with, or without equipment. So squats are great in that they can be done with your own body resistance. However, if you need to intensify the movement you can incorporate a kettlebell for a goblet squat, or a single barbell for some effective front squats.
As you can see the benefit here is that these can be performed with a barbell and with moderate resistance. Therefore the need for a full weight rack, or additional load is not completely necessary. By performing the lift with a high level of proficiency you can maximize tension and challenge your muscles with a quality and complete ROM.

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proYou can utilize and obtain tremendous lean muscle gains by shifting your focus of the lift. You can do this by moving away from trying to lift more weight to focusing on working to lift with a higher degree of quality. Don’t misunderstand me you can always obtain benefits from lifting a heavier load. However this is not the ONLY way to build lean muscle.
Perform Dynamic Movements And Lifts That Demand Higher Levels Of Coordination: This is something that I’m a big believer in doing. As a result this is because these movements require more focus, skill, and coordination. Therefore this can truly stress your nervous system and force you to utilize muscles that you are normally not used to recruiting.
Once again these movements may also be multi-joint in nature, but the difference is that these movements may require different coordination and stress. These types of movements should focus on enhancing your kinesthetic learning and proprioceptive awareness.
One way I like to implement such movement and skill is to leverage the use of kettlebells. As an example the swing, clean, and press lift is a highly effective lift for coordination. Give these a try. Start slow and steadily progress through the movement.
As you can see this movement does require a respectable level of technique and coordination. Before leveraging this movement the single arm clean, the single arm swing, and the single arm kettlebell press must be learned independently first.
Perform Sprint And Sprint Variation Intervals: Another way to strip down body fat and build a high level of lean muscle mass is performing sprint and sprint variation intervals. So the reason I say sprint variations is that other related sprint movements (other than linear sprinting) can be leveraged to acquire lean muscle.
Of course performing 30, 40, 50, and 100 yard sprints are hugely beneficial. However, if space and time are an issue for you there are other variations of intense sprint related work you can perform. Consequently one great way to do this is by hammering out a set of acceleration/deceleration cone drills. To sum it up this drill will absolutely humble you the first time you do it.
These cone acceleration/deceleration drills are going to be very demanding on your legs. Therefore, you’ll also build tremendous anaerobic work capacity. You can do this drill in a relatively small space. I like to perform this drill with 6 to 8 cones depending on the fitness level of the given trainee. You can scale it to maximize your training.
So keep in mind that this drill can also be intensified further by performing the runs by loading with a weighted vest. As a result you can also add in jumps when decelerating on the cones. As you progress the variations are virtually endless. So start incorporating these into your training a couple times a month and report back to me on your progress.
Build Lean Muscle: The Takeaway
If you implement these three strategies on a consistent basis I guarantee that you’ll pack on some hard lean muscle.
If you want to build lean hard muscle you’ve got to be consistent. You’ve got to be consistent with a strength and conditioning plan that will give you the most bang for your buck! Why waste time and energy on anything else?
Do you currently incorporate any sprint variations into your current training?
Are you getting results with your current training in terms of building lean muscle mass?
Do you want to speed up this process with training that works?
Post up and share here below in the comments.
Learn how to tie these together. Make sure you check out my 120 Day Functional Fitness Training Program right here below! I guarantee it’ll get you into the best shape of your life, or I’ll give you your money back no questions asked.
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