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5 MMA Conditioning Workouts To Put Gas In Your Tank

5 MMA Conditioning Workouts To Put Gas In Your Tank

  1. Are you interested in optimizing your conditioning for martial arts and fighting? 
  2. Do you want to make sure you have plenty of gas in the tank after going the distance? 
  3. Do you want to condition yourself to speed up your recovery? 

I’m sure there’s no argument coming from you when talking about optimizing your MMA conditioning workouts. After all, when it comes to physical fitness MMA and fight conditioning produces the fittest athletes on the planet. I know you don’t  want to have an empty gas tank when going toe to toe with an opponent trying to remove your head from your shoulders. So today’s article is designed to help you to avoid such a scenario.

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10 Powerful Steps To Build Mental Strength

10 Powerful Steps To Build Mental Strength

The original publishing date of this article was back on October 15, 2018.

When I was looking through my site stats I saw there was a peaked interest in the topic of mindset and mental toughness so naturally I dug into the archives to pull this bad boy out of the shadows and back into the light for you.

I know you’re going to appreciate this one as it has a powerful message and it’s one I felt was due to be back to the front of the line! Read, apply, and share it out with your friends.

  1. Are you struggling with your mental toughness?
  2. Do you have an interest in learning how to better deal with adversity? 
  3. Are you struggling to deal with life challenges? 
  4. Do you feel defeated? 

I got an email the other day that asked…Coach how do you keep your mental toughness and mental strength on point? I thought this was one hell of a question so I thought I’d definitely take the time to share my tips right here. I really think you’ll find this to be helpful and if so please share it with family and friends that it could help as well. Ok here goes…

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8 Simple Strategies To Optimize Your Functional Fitness Workouts

8 Simple Strategies To Optimize Your Functional Fitness Workouts


  1. Are you hitting plateaus in your training? 
  2. Have you been disappointed in your recent progress concerning your workouts? 
  3. Do you experience difficulty in movement and with joint pain? 
  4. Are you looking for optimal time efficient training? 

If you’re disappointed in your training and your results you need to evaluate the optimization of your functional fitness workouts. In other words, you need to look at how you can go about making the adjustments you need in your workouts to get more bang for your training buck! Surely you like the sound of this and if so then you need to read today’s article and apply these strategies.

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Mindset Fitness Growth: Creating Chaos, Order, And Results

Mindset Fitness Growth: Creating Chaos, Order, And Results

  1. Do you have a sense urgency about your life? 
  2. Are you executing smaller goals to get you to bigger goals? 
  3. Are you systematic in your approach to hit your goals and to get the job done? 
  4. Do you create your own chaos and your own order? 

Your mindset fitness will dictate everyone of your outcomes. Last Tuesday a man approached me out at the park when he saw me getting in an outdoor training session. I had just decided to get in the day’s training and wanted to enjoy the weather as it was the perfect temperature.  A guy that looked to be in his 50’s approached me asking about the training. I had just finished a workout with some bodyweight push-ups and HIIT.

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5 Functional Fitness Workouts For Head To Toe Strength

5 Functional Fitness Workouts For Head To Toe Strength

  1. What are you doing with your training to optimize your functional fitness workouts? 
  2. Do you approach your workouts in a comprehensive manner? 
  3. Do you train smart for injury prevention? 
  4. When it comes to your approach to training are you overwhelmed because of information overload? 

Despite the growth of box gyms and Instagram coaches I feel like functional fitness workouts have died in much of society. Most importantly I believe this is a result of our cushy modern society.

The ancient Greek mathematician Archimedes said Give me a place to stand, and a lever long enough, and I will move the world. This speaks volumes to how Archimedes would utilize the practical application of leverage and mathematics. In this example his application of the use of a lever would accomplish a monumental feat. Well today I’m going to present to you a lever of your own to help you to obtain peak function.

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