10 Powerful Steps To Build Mental Strength
The original publishing date of this article was back on October 15, 2018.
When I was looking through my site stats I saw there was a peaked interest in the topic of mindset and mental toughness so naturally I dug into the archives to pull this bad boy out of the shadows and back into the light for you.
I know you’re going to appreciate this one as it has a powerful message and it’s one I felt was due to be back to the front of the line! Read, apply, and share it out with your friends.
- Are you struggling with your mental toughness?
- Do you have an interest in learning how to better deal with adversity?
- Are you struggling to deal with life challenges?
- Do you feel defeated?
I got an email the other day that asked…Coach how do you keep your mental toughness and mental strength on point? I thought this was one hell of a question so I thought I’d definitely take the time to share my tips right here. I really think you’ll find this to be helpful and if so please share it with family and friends that it could help as well. Ok here goes…
Building Mental Strength
Before I get into this list I want you to understand something. Firstly, there’s an old quote that my dad kept on our refrigerator growing up and he keeps the same piece of paper with the quote in his office today. I’ve included the quote here below…
I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it.–Charles Swindoll
Keep in mind that the strongest people aren’t those that always display strength in front of others, but rather fight and win battles that we never see them fight. It’s those battles that take place when you’re alone and having your own fight with the doubt monster.

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Believe me I’ve had plenty of these myself as I’m sure you have had yours to face as well. Despite this struggle in order to start building mental resiliency you MUST maintain a healthy practice of positive mental thoughts and fight to maintain positive mind and attitude.
1) Emotional stability: Strong leadership requires that you have to make difficult decisions under pressure. When faced with difficult tasks you must stay objective and not allow your emotions to get involved and overwhelm you.
Overly emotional people will display their weakness by talking over others, attacking, or making knee jerk decisions. Strong, stoic, and more logical people will maintain a level head and think through a problem regardless of how they’re feeling. This is how you build mental strength.
2) Lean on your experience: Your perspective will help you a lot as long as you remember to acknowledge it. When the world seems to be falling apart around you this is when you can exercise your resolve by keeping your eye on your goal and not allowing the surrounding noise to derail you.
3) Detachment: This is perhaps one of the toughest steps for most people to apply to their own lives. To detach means that you must block out the thought, or feeling to take things too personally. Don’t waste time wondering Why did this happen to me? Instead keep that laser beam focus on the variables you can control in your own life.
4) Strength under pressure: Demonstrate strength and stability in the face of chaos and negative situations. This requires discipline, but if you can do this you’ll be better to handle these situations better and better the more they arise.

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5) Understand the 6 P’s rule: Proper Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance. So make sure that you plan ahead for all situations as best you can to minimize stress.
6) Self-validation: One of the biggest mistakes you can make is worrying about pleasing others. Sure you should always want to put your best foot forward, but if you truly have put your best foot forward that should be enough. Therefore, don’t forget what you stand for and always strive to do the right thing.
7) If you’re not patient then demonstrate the discipline to be: I always have people to tell me that I’m a patient person, but the reality is that I’m not. So what I’ve come to recognize is that I never feel patient, but rather I can demonstrate the discipline to express patience. This is because I recognize important things are always a working progress.
8) Gratitude: One of the biggest mistakes you can make is focusing on what you don’t have and comparing yourself to others. I know it’s human nature to do so, but it’s a mistake. Therefore, focus on what you do have and what you’re striving to have…period.
9) Maintain your course with tenacity: No matter what you are on a road towards your goals. If anyone tries to knock you off that course you’ve got to detach from them. Therefore, maintain your course and surround yourself with those that will support your efforts. This doesn’t necessarily mean financial support, but emotional and mental support should be all the energy you get from those around you. To sum it up, if that girlfriend or boyfriend isn’t giving you that energy get rid of them.
10) Maintain your standards: Don’t lower your bar just because times get slow, or you feel like you may lose the deal. Maintain the standard and figure out a way to make it work if you can. So if you can’t you can’t, but the war is not over.
Building Mental Strength: The Takeaway
At the end of the day if you expect to become mentally stronger you’ve got to work at it. You must practice being more stoic and maintain your focus. If you’re experiencing the negative you need to mentally work to remove that from your thoughts.
What strategies are you using to build mental strength?
Are you applying any of these to your daily mental game?
Post up and share below.
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