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Strength Training Purpose…10 Ways Not To Be A Gym D-Bag!

Strength Training Purpose…10 Ways Not To Be A Gym D-Bag!

Popped collars by The Michael

The one thing that I’ve learned in my 35 years of existence is that you can’t fix stupid you can only hope to contain it. Now with this being said there is a difference between ignorance and stupidity that I am going to point out, especially as it relates to strength training and the gym D-Bag. You know the ones I’m talking about. Yep, I’m talking about those collar popping, bluetooth talking during arm curls, 1 rep of bench every 5 minutes kind of guys that spend more time talking about what they’re going to be doing Saturday night rather than training for any significant purpose other than being a D-Bag.

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The Toughest Mudder…With Your Help!

The Toughest Mudder…With Your Help!

tm-logo-fire by jasonashaw

As you may already know I had a couple of students and good friends of mine compete in the Tough Mudder back in February here in Georgia. They both qualified for the World’s Toughest Mudder! If you aren’t familiar with what all the Tough Mudder adventure race is all about and more about my competing students Jeff and Dan then you can read more about that right here. Now if you are up to speed with that then I’ll proceed to continue to get you further up to speed about what all is going on.

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Strength Training Stuff, My Pneumonia, And Other News…

Strength Training Stuff, My Pneumonia, And Other News…

The Avengers - Hulk by HawlendRion

I’m getting back in the saddle here slowly, but surely. Just battling a case of pneumonia, but all is good. I’m Hulk smashing that right out of my lungs! Speaking of Hulk smash I got to see The Avengers which was absolutely filled with mind blowing special effects and super cool heroes and not those cheesy ass Twilight vampires that sparkle in sunlight. No, this was balls out 2 hours and 23 minutes of fist pumping action that would get you in the mood to throw around some weight. You’ve got to see it if you haven’t already just like the rest of this article. Keep reading or else…

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Why Vertical Jump Is Good For MMA Fitness

Why Vertical Jump Is Good For MMA Fitness

I know the title of this post probably got your attention which is why I am going to get into the details of what all is involved in having some major “UPs” when it comes to your vertical jump. I am always amazed at how fixated young basketball players are on increasing their vertical jump.

Don’t get me wrongI know that Michael Jordan started it all with his leap from the free throw line in the slam dunk contest many years ago. I remember seeing that when I was kid and yes I was impressed just as much as any other teenager at the time. However, as I’ve gotten older and have developed an understanding of what builds on human performance I can tell you that I have seen some equally impressive (if not more impressive) vertical jumping ability from other athletes as well, namely MMA fighters!

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Hulk Smashing Some Misconceptions On Strength Training For Women…

Hulk Smashing Some Misconceptions On Strength Training For Women…

She-Hulk_#1_Blind_lady_Justice by Greeeeeeeeeeg

So today I’m going to attempt to smash down some common themes and issues that tend to come up when involving strength training for women. You know the ones I’m talking about. Things like going above 5 lbs. will turn a lady into the She-Hulk, although I would argue the She-Hulk is hot to trot. I mean just look at the picture above! Ok, maybe She-Hulk was a bad example, but perhaps her male counterpart would’ve been the better comparison. Nevertheless, I’m going to look at some ways that I can help you ladies and the rest of you that might be interested to smash through these very misconceptions in a HULK style fashion!

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