A Nice Interview!
by: Brandon Richey
A Nice Interview!
So the past few days have been crazy. It’s been a hurricane schedule of busy with me trying to get truckload after truckload of work completed all while trying to maintain some level of sanity. On top of that The Walking Dead season finale was this past Sunday. So in other words I need balance and fortunately my friend Henry from over at Gym-Talk put me through a nice interview over at the Healthy Lifestyle Trainer blog to help me out with some of that balance!
The Interview…
For many years I’ve been approached by folks interested in knowing more about how I think through and devise the process I do associated with my training programs. I guess I’ve just always had a brain that functions by trying to think 6, 8, or even 10 steps ahead. If possible I like eliminating problems before they can happen and I’ve always enjoyed trying to “think ahead” in terms of solving problems and getting things done. I’m not the best at it, but I’m always working to improve that very trait.
Regardless, I was able to communicate a little more about the training process and my views on helping others (mainly my students) to develop a level of optimal strength and conditioning with an interview I recently did with Henry Croft over at the Healthy Lifestyle Training Blog. Make sure you check this out!
>>>Just Click Here For The Interview<<<
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A Nice Interview!
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Great interview, Brandon. You nailed the salient features without coming across preachy or condemning and that’s a fine line to walk when are addressing issues like the common knucklehead in the gym.
This is something that continues to puzzle me. We’ve both seen/known people who go into the gym like clockwork … and they fail to improve. Basically, I’m talking about doing manual labor for free. What reasonable person would opt to do that? Who would perform the same job and never expect or pursue a pay raise over time?
You have some top tier instructional materials of your own and allow some other solid Trainers to advertise their products on this site as well. If I put the time and effort in to do the work, and didn’t see or experience any progress, I would be quickly building my “this stuff works” library and applying what I learned. However, and I’ve heard this more than once, “I just got to stay with it a little longer.” and that’s exactly what they do. They stay with a program and/or routine that is doing all of nothing for them. That’s just mind boggling to me … like digging ditches and not getting paid and to hell with that.
Even as an old geezer I am constantly seeking to improve. At my age, the mass chase is long over so functional strength is my realm. I enjoy working out as much as anyone, but I’ll be damned if spinning my wheels and staying in place is acceptable to me.
BTW, that KB 300 workout you spoke about in the interview reads like a serious ass kicker. I’ll be giving it a go in about 3 weeks and I’m really looking forward to it. A bit of the ‘ol “body shock” to properly greet the summer is in order I do believe.
As always, a real pleasure reading your insights and take on this thing we call Physical Culture. Rage on young Man, rage on …
Doc you offer some great depth with your observations and experience as well. I’m very much like you too in that I hate to think “I’m spinning my wheels,” or wasting time on anything in life whether it’s training, work, education, etc. Because of this I’m always looking for trying to focus on quality rather than quantity of life approach.
It’s refreshing to hear the same things from someone like yourself and know that I’m not in a boat all by myself. Speaking of efficiency you are right about that KB 300 workout in the article. When I first did that workout it took me a good 25 to 30 minutes to complete. I always start it by pre-selecting my 10 exercises and making sure I have a stopwatch or some sort of timer ready to go. I start the timer and immediately start the workout and I don’t stop the timer until all 300 reps have been completed.
About the 3rd time I did that workout I used a 52 lb. kettle bell and was able to finish in about 17 minutes. It’s been a while since I’ve tried it though. The cardio/work capacity development is off the charts. The time of completion is a great measurement guide for working to improve. Just make sure that your hips and hamstrings are stretched real well before you start because the combination of hinging through the various swing related lifts with that kind of volume can really tax the posterior chain. After you try it please give me an update to let me know what you think! Thanks again Doc!