Multi-Planar Movement: Are You Guilty Movement Limitation?
- Are you limiting your physical potential?
- Is your training program dynamic and designed to cover all of the bases to achieve optimal fitness and physical function?
- Are you hitting plateaus with your fitness and strength?
Are you training with multi-planar movement. Look I know it’s easy to fall into a rut. When it comes to building strength this is something that can happen and affect a number of variables in your training and life if you have made such a mistake. Today I want to talk about a way you can avoid this mistake and take the bull by the horns in order to correct it if you are guilty of it.
Multi-Planar Movement
One variable that tends to be affected by falling into a rut is what I refer to as planar limitation. This can often be seen with most people training and becoming dominant in a particular plane of motion while neglecting the other planes of motion.

Brandon Richey strength student and Jiu Jitsu competitor Jeff Luk getting in some functional conditioning and multi-planar movement with a field workout.
Typically this dominant plane is the sagittal plane of motion. Granted it’s a good idea to be strong in the sagittal plane before venturing into training in the frontal and transverse planes of motion at a higher skill and intensity.
So I know you’re probably thinking coach what are you talking about? What do you mean by planes of motion? Well understand that in this world we are 3 dimensional in terms of our movement.
I mean this is just the reality we live in. So when it comes to moving you, me, and everyone else can only move along three planes of motion.
These include…
Sagittal plane: Split your body into right and left halves. Anything that moves along, or parallel to this plane is in the sagittal plane of motion. Think front to back such as a forward lunge, kettlebell swing, and straight ahead sprint.
Frontal plane: Split your body into front and rear halves. Anything that moves along, or parallel to this plane is in the frontal plane of motion. Think side to side and up and down such as pull-up, standing military press, side lunge, and side shuffle.
Transverse plane: Imagine your body being split into top and bottom halves. Anything that moves along, or parallel to this plane is in the transverse plane of motion. Think rotational such as a Russian twist, rotational lunge, rotational medicine ball throw, or a bench press.
So planar limitation is generally a result of a training program that is lacking in movements involving the frontal and transverse planes of motion.
This is usually the case because people don’t understand how to program these movements in order for them to be a good fit and to offer balance in their life and fitness goals.
Multi-Planar Movement: The Takeaway
When it comes to you designing a strength program with any teeth in it you need to make sure you’re working to become proficient in all three planes of motion. If you’re not then you’re going to limit your body and your ability to adapt and deal with real life functional situations.
What planes of motion do you need to work to improve?
How often do you incorporate multi-planar movement into your current workouts?
Post up and share here below in the comments.
Also if you really want to learn how to tie this all together and become proficient in all three planes of motion then make sure you check out my 120 Day Functional Fitness Training Program right here below! I guarantee it’ll get you into the best shape of your life, or I’ll give you your money back no questions asked.
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