Kettlebell Strength – You Better Pay Attention to Form Before Jumping Up in Weight!
If you are part of the kettlebell community then you understand the significance of what I mean when I talk about jumping up to the next level of kettlebell. The reason is that true Russian bells jump in 8.8 lb increments. So if you are used to doing certain lifts with your bell and want to make the next jump then your technique better be sound.
Kettlebell training is a whole different world of strength training than most people are used to when they first start it. Strength is certainly tested and it is a badge of honor among kettlebell enthusiast to test themselves by lifting heavier bells. However, the jump to a heavier kettlebell is not only a test of strength, but it is a test of one’s skill. Your technique must be flawless for each and every increase. Jumping from 20kg (44 lbs.) to a 24kg (53 lbs.) is much more demanding than you might think. If you don’t believe me then when you make the jump simply attempt to execute the same number of swings, snatches, or turkish get-ups with the new bell and you’ll quickly see what I am talking about! Because kettlebell lifting is much more of a technique oriented style of training you develop a greater amount of total body muscular control. This is certainly amplified when you do make a jump or even a significant leap in poundage to a heavier bell.
To be a real kettlebell enthusiast you must be a focused individual. Make sure your technique is sound and solid. Before you know it you’ll be literally throwing around some real weight!
To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at http://www.efandps.com |