A Chiseled Midsection – The 2 Best Cardio Exercises For Six Pack Abs!
The best cardio workout for abs must include kettlebell training. For this very reason I have included 2 hard hitting kettlebell drills to help you burn calories at a super rapid rate to give you a hard flat stomach. Take the time to read and apply these 2 kettlebell drills to your personal strength training program to get real results!
1. Kettlebell Man Makers: For this drill you will need the availability of a pair of kettlebells of equal weight. Make sure that you are on level surface and place the bells on the ground between your feet. From here simply squat to grab the bells and properly perform a clean lift to rack the kettlebells at your chest. Once you get them to your chest simply lower the kettlebells back to the ground. Now when you lower them to the ground make sure that you place them about shoulder width distance apart and don’t let go of the handles. Once you do this simply perform a squat thrust by kicking your feet back behind you bringing your body into an upright push up position. Finish by kicking your feet back up to stand up and clean the bells for the subsequent repetition.
2. Dual Kettlebell Static Walks: For this drill you will once again need the use of a pair of kettlebells. Make sure that you have an open flat surface to perform. To begin, properly clean the bells to your chest and press them overhead. Make sure that your shoulders are locked into their sockets and that your elbows are locked into place. This will allow you to better support the weight overhead. From here simply start a walk for 25 yards with the bells locked out overhead. This will help you to develop superior core strength and I promise you will feel the effects of it on your cardiovascular system too! If you are serious about burning belly fat then you have got to include kettlebells into your cardio for six pack abs workout! Remember that anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart!
To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My “Better Than Steroids Ebook” by clicking here:http://www.betterthansteroidsebook.com
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