4 HIIT Bodyweight Drills For Serious Lean Muscle And Fat Burn
- Are you hitting plateaus in your training and sick of being stuck there?
- Are you serious about getting results and ramping up your fitness and lean muscle gains?
- Are you looking for an effective training method to follow without the need of more equipment?
- Are you looking to build lean muscle and torch unwanted body fat?
When it comes to getting your body dialed in to being fit and to build a lean physique for a serious fat burn you’ve to be smart and efficient in your training. The good news is that you can do this without the need of a gym membership, or additional equipment. Don’t underestimate the power of gravity and the fact that you’re two arms and two legs make you a walking gym!
Bodyweight Drills For A Serious Fat Burn
1) High knee sprints in place: This drill is great for you to get in a HIIT workout just about anywhere and at anytime. Of course you want to make sure you’re warmed up and that you’re used to generating intensity and effort for the runs.
Make sure you have a good warm up before you start. Begin slow and progress being smart, particularly if it’s been a while since you’ve attempted any sprint work. If you haven’t done any sprints since your senior year prom in high school then make sure you start really slow and gradually progress.
With that being said these high knee sprints in place can be scaled in terms of your intensity, but you can work on keeping the volume relatively consistent.
One way to perform these is to break them up into sets just like you would when you’re lifting. Perform 15 sets of 25 high knees for a quick hard hitting HIIT workout. Count the reps by counting off of the second knee that comes up.
2) Jumping jacks: Some of the best ideas for training are the simplest. If you’re strictly in need of some hard hitting cardio and want to tap into the benefit of bodyweight training then what better way to do so than to capitalize on doing some jumping jacks?
Plus the only real warm up you might want to consider with this very effective calisthenic is some simple shoulder an ankle circles. Once you start into these you can set a goal for a total number of sets and reps and quickly get in a cardio conditioning workout to supplement your strength, or as a stand alone build up to a more challenging HIIT session.
If you perform these alone try setting a goal of cranking out 300 of these with 10 sets of 30 allowing only a brief rest period between each set! This makes for a high impact and quick conditioning session.
3) Glide disc mountain climbers: You can crush this drill in your living room. All you need to pull this off is a pair of furniture slide discs that you can pick up down at your local Home Depot.
From here you simply place the balls of your feet at the center of the discs and get into an upright push up position.Next, keep your body streamlined and crank your knees up and down as fast as you can for the designated number of reps.
If you’re performing these as a stand alone drill execute 10 sets of 20 knee pulls. Count the reps by counting the second knee that you pull toward your chest.
4) Skips, Runs, and knee tuck jumps: This drill would probably be a bit more advanced in terms of a HIIT workout, but if you are able to perform the movements all you need is an interval timer.
Here you can perform skips in place for a set timed interval, but if you want to elevate the intensity you can add in high knee sprints and knee tuck jumps at random intermittent points during the interval to significantly increase the intensity.
Start out with skips in place if you’re looking to build up . Make sure your joints are good and primed for movement. Perform 10 rounds of 2 minute intervals (20 total working minutes) allowing only one minute rest between each working interval for recovery.
HIIT Bodyweight For Lean Muscle And Fat Burn: The Takeaway
Just remember that if you’re looking to step up your training for some serious fat burn and to get more lean muscle mass you’ve got to be willing to elevate your work output and these bodyweight HIIT drills will help you to do just that.
Are you currently including any high impact bodyweight HIIT drills into your training?
What HIIT bodyweight drills are you doing?
Post up and share below in the comments.
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