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3 Solid Strength Tips For Young Athletes

3 Solid Strength Tips For Young Athletes

by: Brandon Richey–Get Free Updates And Training Guides Here

3 Solid Strength Tips For Young Athletes

youth football
There is no question that youth sports have been growing more and more over the years in terms of specialization and overall competition. More and more kids are selecting a sport to go with earlier in their athletic careers in order to try and be the best they can be. Because of this I wanted to take a minute to address some common things that every competitive young athlete should work on towards becoming more prepared for this arena. 

Who Has More Of The Drive Towards Being The Best?

It’s really interesting to me that so many kids today are working towards specializing in a sport at such an early age. Over my career I’ve trained a bunch of Little Johnnys and Little Janes and some were very much self motivated, however in many of those cases Little Johnny or Little Jane’s parents Big Johnny or Big Jane were more of the ones pushing the issue of playing than the kids themselves. 

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I guess the real question is who has more of the motivation to play…the kids or the parents? It’s sad if the kid is not motivated and feels trapped. This presents an entirely new problem to deal with and if the parents aren’t dealing with it properly for the kid then who will? Well, I’d like to think that the kid can lean on his or her coach from time to time at least when it comes to addressing the issue at hand with both the athletes and the parents.

There is more to coaching than just harnessing physical skills. We have to be communicators and leaders. And from time to time a boot must be put to an ass. Ok, maybe we don’t go that far…but then again maybe we do? 

Here’s a great way to build that foundation of strength!

Pushing the Limits with Al Kavadlo

Nevertheless if we’re talking about a Little Johnny or Jane that enjoys the competitive environment and the physical nature of sport then I’ve come up with some simple and effective tips that they can focus on here in order to mentally and physically prepare them for the challenge that lies ahead. Check it out here in my video.





As you can see often times the best plan for physical preparation is the most simple plan. Taking time to learn and develop a foundation of physical strength and to pursue mastery is always a smart plan of action. If you are a youth athlete or you have kids that are youth athletes then I hope you enjoyed today’s post. 

Please don’t hesitate to drop a comment in the box below this article if you have any questions. Remember that anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart. 

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3 Solid Strength Tips For Young Athletes




I'm a Certified Strength And Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) and author. I have had over 17 years experience in MMA fitness, strength and conditoning, and athletic performance for most every sport. As an author and specialist I've written close to a million words on fitness and strength. I'm also a Muay Thai practictioner and enjoy helping others to reach their peak potential through fitness and performance.

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