The Circuit of Pain – The Best Circuit Training Workout on the Planet!
First of all, the best circuit training exercises have to involve kettlebell training! If you are familiar with the ancient kettlebell then by now you know that this ancient strength and conditioning device has trained and forged the body’s of world class strongmen and athletes for over three centuries!
The circuit of pain is a kettlebell circuit that you won’t soon forget. This circuit training workout is a bodybuilding breakthrough! The concept is simple. You will use one kettlebell on one side of your body for 5 exercises totaling 5 repetitions. Once you finish the one side of your body then move on to immediately polish off the unworked side of your body.
To implement the best circuit training workout on the planet start with a kettlebell in one arm. Pick any five exercises you wish to go through for 5 reps. It doesn’t matter which kettlebell lifts you want to use, as long as, each lift flows smoothly in transition from one to the next. For instance, you can start with one arm swings and follow up with cleans, squats, presses, and snatches. This circuit flows and allows you to complete the one side before moving on to the other. Once you complete both sides allow yourself about a minute and a half rest before attempting another round. This concludes your high intensity circuit training workout.
If you haven’t taken the time to get acquainted with the ancient kettlebell then you are certainly missing out. What are you waiting for? I’ll even make it easy on you by encouraging you to access the rest of my articles for free! Remember that anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart my friend!
To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My “Better Than Steroids Ebook” by clicking here:http://www.betterthansteroidsebook.com
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