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4 Ballistic Kettlebell Workouts For Building Insane Work Capacity

4 Ballistic Kettlebell Workouts For Building Insane Work Capacity

  1. Are you interested in building a great deal more cardiovascular work capacity while speeding up your fitness gains? 
  2. Are you looking to give your fitness, recovery, and functional strength a serious upgrade? 
  3. Have you been in search of a few simple, but effective workouts that you can apply to transform your body and mind? 
  4. Are you interested in learning more about how you integrate kettlebells into your strength and conditioning workouts? 

If you’re serious about your fitness and being time efficient with your strength and conditioning then this article is going to be right up your alley. So it’s no secret that kettlebell workouts can be leveraged for some ballistic movements. As a result, kettlebell workouts can demand a lot of strength and a great deal of work output when training them efficiently. So today I want to introduce 4 ballistic workouts you can use with a single kettlebell to give your fitness and cardiovascular work capacity a serious upgrade. These workouts are designed to allow you to build on your work capacity so you’ll have more in the tank when you need to get in the day’s work!

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5 Short Burst Time Efficient HIIT Workouts

5 Short Burst Time Efficient HIIT Workouts

  1. Are you looking for an effective conditioning workout to elevate your fitness that requires minimal equipment?
  2. Do you have an interest in learning about an effective workout to help elevate your fitness and burn a maximum number of calories? 
  3. Are you interested in a conditioning workout that you can use to supplement your current strength program? 
  4. Are you looking to get a leaner more athletic physique? 

If you aren’t familiar with the term HIIT it essentially stands for High Intensity Interval Training and is pronounced “hit.” This form of interval based training essentially means that your goal should be to perform a short burst interval of an exercise as fast as you can and with as much effort as possible.

Because of this these time efficient HIIT workouts can vary. So you can scale the level of intensity and volume as you can with anything else in order to suit your current level of fitness and ability. Remember that I always expect you to push, but not at the expense of quality movement and control.

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Sprint Workout Progression For Your HIIT Training

Sprint Workout Progression For Your HIIT Training

  1. Do you currently include sprinting as part of your HIIT conditioning? 
  2. Are you “sprint functional” in your conditioning? 
  3. Do you have a practical and safe progression in place to build up your sprint workout? 

If you are not including sprint work into your conditioning program then you need to take the time to reconsider. If you aren’t sure about how to go about progressing up to a sprint workout program then this article will provide you with some insight. Get ready to buckle that chinstrap and get to work.

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3 Top HIIT Workouts For MMA Fitness

3 Top HIIT Workouts For MMA Fitness

  1. Do you feel that your fitness level and conditioning have hit a plateau?
  2. Do you feel like you’re not improving with your MMA and Combat skills as fast as you should?
  3. Aside from being functional for fitness, MMA, and Combat are you also frustrated that you aren’t leaning out and developing a lean body composition from your training?
  4. Are you familiar with HIIT workouts?

If you answered YES to any of the above questions then this article (particularly with question 4 relating to HIIT Workouts) then this should be of great help to you. So everybody is hung up on the high intensity programs these days and as a strength coach I’ve always had a love–hate relationship with this because I think some training fads tend to get blown out of proportion. I think this is because with the tremendous influx of information due to the internet it often seems like people tend to offer solutions to training by painting with a broad brush, or by defaulting to metaphorically trying to use a hammer for both nails and screws.

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The Sprinter’s Powerhouse – The Glute-Hamstring Combination!

The Sprinter’s Powerhouse – The Glute-Hamstring Combination!

  1. Can you run fast?
  2. Do you want to run faster?
  3. Is your approach to your training designed to enhance your ability to sprint with power and speed? 

I want to explain the importance of glute and hamstring development as it pertains to SPEED and the sprinter’s powerhouse! If you have a legitimate interest in improving your ability to sprint then you need to read today’s article. 

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