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Timed Workouts Vs. Set To Rep Schemes

Timed Workouts vs. Set To Rep Schemes

A few weeks back at the BRF Kettlebell Strength Clinic I was asked about whether or not I implement timed workouts when training with kettlebells, or if I just prefer programming sets and reps. I thought this was a particularly good question and meant to address it here on the BRF blog so I guess it’s better late than never. 

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Another Student X: The Way Men’s Fitness Should Be…

Another Student X: The Way Men’s Fitness Should Be…

letter X by Leo Reynolds

X marks the spot again big guy! As you may know I did a profile concerning Student X for the ladies and now it’s time to do one for us guys on men’s fitness. Once again inquiring minds want to know about what goes on inside my head when looking at a new or potential trainee. In the last blogisode I made up a profile called Student X to demonstrate some common issues that I encounter with folks when getting them started back on track with getting in shape.

The reason I’m doing this is to drive home the point that health clubs make my head want to explode, but I guess if folks are doing something it is better than doing nothing at all. I guess what I’m trying to say is that if folks are exercising that is a great thing, however the point of Student X is to show how folks more often than not end up doing harm to their body by not understanding how the body functions. The names and identities have been changed in this blogisode to protect the innocent from feeling too stupid. Um anyways read and enjoy!

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Hulk Smashing Some Misconceptions On Strength Training For Women…

Hulk Smashing Some Misconceptions On Strength Training For Women…

She-Hulk_#1_Blind_lady_Justice by Greeeeeeeeeeg

So today I’m going to attempt to smash down some common themes and issues that tend to come up when involving strength training for women. You know the ones I’m talking about. Things like going above 5 lbs. will turn a lady into the She-Hulk, although I would argue the She-Hulk is hot to trot. I mean just look at the picture above! Ok, maybe She-Hulk was a bad example, but perhaps her male counterpart would’ve been the better comparison. Nevertheless, I’m going to look at some ways that I can help you ladies and the rest of you that might be interested to smash through these very misconceptions in a HULK style fashion!

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Muay Thai Strength And Conditioning…Training For A Mule Kick!!!

Muay Thai Strength And Conditioning…Training For A Mule Kick!!!

Sidewalk Stencil, Muleshoe, TX by Robby Virus

The older I get the more I realize just how truly incredible the power of language can be. That’s right, I said language.  The ability of being able to communicate a message to one another is a very powerful and essential thing. I may be sounding like Captain Obvious (Using the Captain Obvious Reference again ;-))here, however even though we may be capable of communicating a message to one another sometimes the receiver of that message may not always interpret our message the way we intended it to be communicated. Let that sink in for a second. Hopefully you are interpreting this message the way I intended it to be. So where am I going with this? Just keep reading Grasshopper!

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Functional Core Strength For Fighting, Life, And Sport

Functional Core Strength For Fighting, Life, And Sport

  1. What does having functional core strength even mean?
  2. Are you functionally strong?  
  3. Are you curious as to why athletes such as fighters are referenced for having tremendous “functional core strength?”
  4. Are you interested in building functional core strength from head to toe to improve your fight skills?

5 Do you feel that your workouts are limited because you lack functional core strength?

Depending on who you ask there are many answers to question #1, but to knock out the answer I prefer the following definition to functional core strength.

Functional Core Strength: To possess the strength, skill, and ability to execute movements that mimic real life activities with prowess and without inhibition.

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