Live Fitness and Kettlebell Tele-Seminar Interview With Me!
Hey guys, I am going to be interviewed by a friend of mine tomorrow night (7-28-10) from 7 to 8:00 p.m. The interview will involve general questions about kettlebells, my training philosophy, strength and conditioning, and addressing general problems with today’s fitness industry in general. The call is live, but will be recorded for you to listen at a later date if you miss out on this live. You will be able to interact during the interview if I’m not mistaken.
If you want to get the detailed information in person to help your strength and fitness program then this is a great opportunity for you. For all of you trainers and strength specialist it will be great to have you join too! If you haven’t already signed up for the seminar then I will leave the link for you here below. The whole thing will last for an hour and I believe the maximum number allowed to register is 200.
If you happen to miss the interview live then never fear because you can get it right here! All the details will be on the other side of this link! Keep training smart my friends.
To get the interview just click here!