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Youth Strength And Discipline – Important Issues For Today’s Youth!

Youth Strength and Discipline – Important Issues For Today’s Youth!

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I have been involved in training athletes and people from every kind of background that you can think of. The one area of our culture these days that disturbs me the most is our youth. It seems to me that the days of outdoor play, skinned knees, and the mindset of a competitor have taken a backseat to the era of the X-Box, Playstation, and an array of medical issues! Look I’m not trying to crucify every parent or child here, but I am saying that there has been a definite and proven change in our youth today compared to even as recent as 10 years ago.

Today kids are fatter, lazier, and emotionally more distressed than ever before. Today I deal with having to harden kid’s minds, as much as, I have to harden their bodies. Strength training is a wonderful outlet for today’s youth to build the necessary confidence they need. Exercise and particularly strength training, when administered competently, can serve as the perfect gateway to get kids back to the mindset of being a competitor. The benefits of strength training far outweigh the investment of any medication, psychologist, or day camp that you can buy! Strength training for kids molds their bodies, minds, and gives them a sense of true belonging.

This is something that has to be administered early though. Its like anything else in life, if you learn bad habits early then you spend all the rest of your days trying to unlearn the bad habits and replace them with the new ones. Childhood fitness lays the foundation for a young boy or girl to grow up into being a more self-sufficient, healthy, and more confident adult. This is a normal part of human development and therefore shouldn’t be neglected. The development of strength requires discipline and discipline is a characteristic that is very much in demand these days! Don’t put your child on the back burner with this. Get them involved in strength training. If you need more guidance on how to do this appropriately feel free to access my other articles on strength training, fitness, and exercise.

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I’m Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!



I'm a Certified Strength And Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) and author. I have had over 17 years experience in MMA fitness, strength and conditoning, and athletic performance for most every sport. As an author and specialist I've written close to a million words on fitness and strength. I'm also a Muay Thai practictioner and enjoy helping others to reach their peak potential through fitness and performance.

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