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How To Build A Lean Muscular Physique Without Going To The Gym

How To Build A Lean Muscular Physique Without Going To The Gym

  1. Are you looking to build a lean muscular physique without having to pay for a gym membership? 
  2. Do you have an interest in learning how to develop an effective training plan with little to no equipment? 
  3. Are you serious about learning how to shred down body fat while building a lean physique? 
  4. Do you have an interest in transforming your entire training program to get results as fast as humanly possible? 
  5. Are you tired of wasting your time and not getting results? 
Building a lean muscular physique requires a multi-faceted approach. Since I’m a strength and conditioning coach and have trained hundreds of athletes over the span of my 17 year career I am a huge fan of building athletic lean physiques.

For the sake of today’s discussion I’m aiming the goals of today’s article here to help you to build that same lean muscle rather than the bulky bodybuilder physique. So with that being said let’s take a look at what you can do build that same body without the worry of making an extra trip to the local gym.

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5 Ways To Develop Power While Getting Lean

5 Ways To Develop Power While Getting Lean

One great truth about strength is that it has different faces. I mean who’s stronger…Is it the guy that can squat 700 lbs., or is it the guy that has a 40 inch vertical? Obviously these are both great examples of strength, but the point is that BOTH are very different. Being different is what makes these types of strength so special. Aside from being different both do demonstrate an impressive level of power.

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5 Tactics To Drastically Improve Your Physique

5 Tactics To Drastically Improve Your Physique

One of the reasons I started this blog was to help you to become a master at identifying the load of BS that tends to float around on the internet these days selling you on the thought of making “easy gains.” I do my best to take out the garbage everyday in real life, as well as here on the center stage of the world wide web.

Gains don’t come from gimmicks, or pills, or from TV shows that funnel millions of dollars into a controlled environment. Today I’m going to cover 5 tactics that you can practice in your training that I guarantee will get you results in terms of your physical appearance.

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The Samurai Workout For MMA Fitness And Lean Muscle

The Samurai Workout For MMA Fitness And Lean Muscle

The Samurai Workout honors the tremendous warriors throughout history who displayed skill and a deep knowledge of combat and weaponry. Additionally a samurai warrior was known to devote his life to learning a skill that made his very existence a possibility. His skill consisted of all the physical and mental skills of body control and today this is the goal of the samurai workout I’ve included here for you. Include this into your training regimen to start mastering your physical development. 

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