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Quality Traits: The Professional Coach Vs. The Amateur Coach

Quality Traits: The Professional Coach vs. The Amateur Coach

Today I think it’s worth examining what quality traits to look for in various coaches and trainers. After all, in today’s fitness arena we’re bombarded with readily available information and resources at the click of a button and many people put a great deal of faith in these online coaches and training resources simply because of their notoriety. So with that being said what do we look for in a quality coach? Read on my young Jedi to explore this question a bit further.

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Discipline, Discomfort, And Discovering Strength

Discipline, Discomfort, And Discovering Strength

Regret kills the spirit. It’s like the old saying goes we will regret the things we don’t do more than the things we do. Sure you can make the argument that bad decisions in your life were decisions that you had rather not made, but had you never made them you would never learn, you would never understand correct alternatives, and you wouldn’t be able to advance in your life anywhere forward than your current standing.

You see regret is something that seeds in quietly and doesn’t rear its ugly head until you reach a point in your life where life reveals to you the realization that the opportunity that you walked away from was the biggest mistake of all. You can’t avoid it, it’s life.

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3 Ways To Elevate Your Conditioning

3 Ways To Elevate Your Conditioning

For starters I don’t want to sound like I’m trying to nitpick with the semantics here, but I want to point out the difference between conditioning and general cardio. Sure leisurely cardio is definitely a form of conditioning, but then there is a type of conditioning that you can structure to have a major impact on your fitness game.

Interval based cardio with a structured and systematic approach to acquiring a high level of conditioning is the way to go if you’re looking to prepare yourself for a specific purpose, or to condition yourself in a way that is truly impactful. This is where we move from general cardio to purposeful conditioning. Keep on reading to understand where I’m going with this.

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Everyone’s A Fitness Expert: Why Operation Is Untrusted In The Fitness Industry

Everyone’s A Fitness Expert: Why Operation Is Untrusted In The Fitness Industry

I remember years ago having a parent approach me about training their kid for the purpose of developing speed. The kid was a football player and certainly needed speed, but most importantly he needed to develop a foundation of strength in order to be in a position to acquire speed in the first place. Of course, as a coach this was apparent to me, but to the parent this logic didn’t quite line up. 

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