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Top 3 Steps You Need To Take If You Want To Be A Fitness Instructor

Top 3 Steps You Need To Take If You Want To Be A Fitness Instructor

  1. Email: Coach I’m thinking about becoming fitness instructor…what does it take?
  2. Are you interested in becoming a fitness instructor?
  3. Are you interested in knowing about what steps you need to take to do so?

The fitness industry is probably one of the most challenging and flooded fields of any industry in terms of competition and so-called “professional trainers” out there moving through the market.

If you want to go into the fitness business to be a successful instructor you need to understand what lies ahead and perhaps today’s article will help to prepare you for some of that so that you can work to separate yourself from the norm.

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Are Your Kettlebell Swings On Point?

Are Your Kettlebell Swings On Point?

  1. Do you regularly perform kettlebell swings?  
  2. Is your kettlebell swing technique on point? 
  3. Are you effectively engaging your muscles and physically understanding each component of the kettlebell swing? 

If you are performing kettlebell swings then you need to make absolutely sure your technique is spot on in order to reap the benefits of this awesome drill. If you’re not 100% sure about each phase of the kettlebell swing then keep on reading. 

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Did You Make 2019 New Year’s Resolutions?

Did You Make 2019 New Year’s Resolutions?

  1. So did you sit down and make a list out of New Year’s Resolutions for 2019? 
  2. Did you sit down a year ago and do the same thing for 2018? 
  3. Are you serious about investing in your self-improvement? 
  4. Do you tend to fall off track when setting goals? 

So 2018 is history and you’ve set some New Year’s Resolutions for 2019. However 2018 has been full of challenges, setbacks, new opportunities, and boom here we are a year later in 2019.

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So What’s The Point Of Training Plyometrics?

So What’s The Point Of Training Plyometrics?

  1. How do you train with plyometrics in your own workouts? 
  2. Do you need to understand a safe and effective approach to training plyometrics in your own workouts? 
  3. What benefits do plyometric training offer for your training? 

First, I want to take a second to clear the air about training plyometrics. Lately I’ve seen plenty of keyboard warriors the internet being blowhards about how plyometrics are a waste of time and are senseless when it comes to incorporating them into your training.

No, such advice is absurd and is coming from someone that knows nothing about plyometrics. As a strength and conditioning coach that has trained hundreds and even thousands of athletes and serious fitness enthusiasts over a 17 year career I can tell you that plyometrics can be a huge asset to your fitness and overall training program if you understand how to apply them safely and effectively.

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4 Exercises To Help You To Build Strength For Pull-ups

4 Exercises To Help You To Build Strength For Pull-ups

  1. Are you looking to build strength for pull-ups? 
  2. Are you struggling to improve your pull-up numbers? 
  3. Do you feel weak and limited with your pull-ups? 
  4. Are you failing to progress your strength with the pull-up movement? 

You need to build strength for pull-ups. The chin up, or pull-up is probably one of the most challenging bodyweight exercises as it involves you having to pull your body from a dead hang position until your chin gets above the bar.

There’s no hiding from this movement. Sure plenty of folks try to cheat it with some sort of assist, but in order for you to pull your body up from a dead hanging position from the bar you need brute force strength…period.
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