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Mastering The Frontal Plane For Athleticism And Optimal Fitness

Mastering The Frontal Plane For Athleticism And Optimal Fitness

So the original publishing date of today’s article was on May 4th 2017. I wanted to pull this one out of the archives for today to stress the importance of training in the frontal plane of motion.

It’s very common for many programs to get caught up in training the same movement patterns which tend to be dominated by the sagittal plane of motion. Because of this I thought it was a good time to break out a good reminder for you with this article as to why you should be training in the frontal plane more often. Enjoy the read.

As strength coaches one thing that enables us to advance a trainee, or athlete is being able to identify weaknesses. It’s sort of counterintuitive because even though we’re called “strength coaches” in many cases the ability for us to investigate and identify weaknesses is what makes us successful. It’s sort of like we’re the Sherlock Holmes detectives of the iron game!

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Can Motivation Be Coached Into An Athlete

Can Motivation Be Coached Into An Athlete

  1. Do you consider yourself to be a motivated person? 
  2. Do you think a coach or trainer can coach motivation into an athlete, or trainee? 
  3. What does it take to have motivation? 
  4. Why are some people motivated while others are not? 

Today I figured I would try to tackle an old topic of discussion revolving around motivation as it pertains to the mindset of training and life. My hope is that today you’ll have a different perspective about the concept of motivation after reading my point of view on the subject.

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5 Lesser Known Benefits Of HIIT Workouts

5 Lesser Known Benefits of HIIT Workouts

  1. Are you currently looking for a more impactful and challenging way to train?
  2. Do you currently engage in HIIT workouts?
  3. Do you gauge your training based on results?

One method of training that has always been a prescription for training in my camp involves the application of HIIT workouts. HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training and is pronounced “hit.” The name is cool and the impact of this style of training lives up to the name.

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Shoulder Integrity: Priming And Strengthening Your Shoulders For Performance

Shoulder Integrity: Priming And Strengthening Your Shoulders For Performance

Today I pulled this article from the training archives as I thought it would meet a need if you’re looking for better ways of strengthening your shoulders for movement.

If you experience shoulder pain, discomfort, or stiffness then I thought this article would be a good fit for you. If you’re not experiencing shoulder pain, or stiffness I still think this article would be a good fit for you. If you don’t have those issues then my guess is you certainly don’t want them.

  1. Are you experiencing tightness and immobility in your shoulders? 
  2. Do you experience shoulder pain on a regular basis? 
  3. Are you currently using any exercises to prime your shoulders for movement prior to your training? 
  4. Do you want to learn how to develop and maintain healthy strong shoulders for the long haul? 

Are you looking for a better plan for strengthening your shoulders? When it comes to training these days many people really have to work to prime their bodies before they can even get into the driver’s seat to start doing any work. Since the career world has transitioned to including jobs where sitting has taken precedence over physical activity the need for priming the body for movement is a bigger deal now more than ever.

We can couple this with the fact that technology has also created an entire generation of lazy individuals that have lost a great deal of function in their bodies. This is the case due to many people developing postural imbalances and weaknesses from crouching over and looking at computer screens and handheld devices for the majority of the day. Because of this coaches and trainers have to constantly battle through these issues on a regular basis. Today I want to talk about some ways we can enhance your shoulder integrity and prime and strengthen this mobile joint for other more useful activity compared to just holding and reading your cellphone.

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3 Strategies To Improve Your Pull-up Performance

3 Strategies To Improve Your Pull-up Performance

  1. Are you capable of performing a pull-up? 
  2. How many pull-ups can you do? 
  3. Are you looking to improve your pull-up performance? 
  4. Are you lost on how to go about mastering a pull-up? 

Improving your pull-up performance is probably one of the most challenging feats of strength you can do when it comes to bodyweight training. Pulling your bodyweight from a dead hanging position from a bar with your arms fully extended requires nothing more than brute strength. You can’t hide from it, you can’t cheat it, and you can’t beat it until you just simply master it.

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