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Just How Powerful Is Sprinting For Your Fitness Program?

Just How Powerful Is Sprinting For Your Fitness Program?

  1. Are you looking to either incorporate sprinting into your training for the first time in a while, or are you considering including more sprint work in general? 
  2. Are you unsure of how to approach a smart sprint program for yourself? 
  3. Do you feel you need to be looking for a different way to train your body for some big results? 
  4. Are you interested in building a more lean and stronger athletic physique?
  5. Are you looking to enhance your ability to function and recover faster in the weight room? 

Trust me sprinting is one simple, cheap, and effective way to optimize your body’s fitness unlike any other form of conditioning. In fact, if you look at the 7 foundational movements consisting of the push, pull, squat, lunge, twist, bend, and gait…your gait is one of those movements and sprinting is essential for optimizing your gait. This will make you more optimally functional from head to toe.

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This Is What You Didn’t Know About Efficient HIIT Workouts

This Is What You Didn’t Know About Efficient HIIT Workouts

  1. Are you currently incorporating HIIT workouts into your training, or are you thinking about starting? 
  2. Do you know the real benefits of HIIT workouts? 
  3. Are you interested in transforming your body while being time efficient with your HIIT workouts?

Time efficient HIIT workouts have a lot of benefits to help you get in some quality conditioning and training. Though a good HIIT workout needs to be intelligently programmed if you have covered your bases on this then there are some tremendous benefits to you with this form of training.

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