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Principles Of Strength…

Principles Of Strength…

My Strength by CDS Nutritionâ„¢

So today’s blogisode is getting back to the roots of strength. You see when examining strength I like to think that there are many traits that make up its characteristics. Yes, I’m getting deep in the philosophical side on you in this post so just buckle your chin strap and don’t get busted thinking too hard on this one especially if you are sitting at your desk at work. We wouldn’t want to get you in trouble while you’re on the job, right? Keep on reading my friend.

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Athletic Strength For MMA Brawling Skills

Athletic Strength For MMA Brawling Skills

1. Are you familiar with the concept of athletic strength training?

2. Are you currently incorporating any athletic strength training into your MMA fitness program?

3.Are you familiar with how to utilize ballistic movements in order to develop athletic strength for fighting and for sport?

4. Are you familiar with the unique and powerful training tactic known as Post Activation Potentiation?

So if you’re looking to get physically prepared for the ring in MMA you will want to work on enhancing your athletic strength training. Every sport has training needs and if those needs aren’t met well then you are selling yourself short and putting your brawling skills at risk!

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10 Strength Rules To Live By…

10 Strength Rules To Live By…

"A true friendship has old strength." by Simon Cockayne

So in today’s post I figured I would continue the trend of hammering out another list of stuff that could benefit your strength and conditioning program. In most any endeavor there are some good hard rules that develop due to the pursuit of any goal within any endeavor. Because of this you know ole BR here is going to tee up some of those rules for your strength training journey right here and now. As a matter of fact I’ve got 10 of them for you to hold near and dear to your heart of iron so keep on reading.

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5 Ways To Turn Up Your Strength Training Program To Awesomeness Level!

5 Ways To Turn Up Your Strength Training Program To Awesomeness Level!

Bob's hosting a New Year's Eve party... by tomo_moko

Ok Ok, so I know I’ve been out for a week or so and slacking on the ole blogging scene. Well no worries because I’m still alive and kicking. I wished I had some reasonable explanation as to why I slowed down on getting some posts out last week like I was out roaming the streets of Atlanta dressed up like a bat taking out bad guys with the usual super hero ass kicking justice that you would like to believe.

Yep, that’s exactly what was happening! Ok, I’ll let you believe that if you want to.  Anyways, I just took the last few days off to recharge the batteries, but now I’m ready to hit the ground running. So let’s talk about turning your strength training program up to awesomeness level. I think I might have a few tips to help you out in that department.

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Speed Strength…The Competition Killer!

Speed Strength…The Competition Killer!

Speed by lokiv7

I find it interesting that every puffy chest with an i-pod shuffle, or whatever that damn device is called, seems to be the “expert” trainer or strength coach in many athletic and fitness environments. I mean when you get sick you go to the doctor, if you need the brakes fixed on your car you hire a automotive technician, and if you have to defend yourself in court you get a lawyer. Now having said all of this it still amazes me that there are still folks that are either serious about competing or getting in shape and continue to believe that they can master the development and implementation of their own strength and conditioning program.

I mean how is hiring professional help with your strength program any different than any of those other services I just mentioned especially if you have an important need for it? This is even more true when examining the development of speed strength when looking at what you should be working on to compete in a sport.

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