Nutrition – 2 Quick and Easy Adjustments to Make That Will Help You to Lose Weight Immediately!
To begin, weight-loss is a problem for many Americans and there is no real excuse other than lifestyle. The fact is that our bodies are made first for survival. If you don’t supply it with enough fuel then it will store what little fuel you give it for energy, and stored energy is stored as fat! You are probably wondering what possible adjustment can be made to help this problem.
The 1st Adjustment: Well, like I said our bodies are made for survival and the human body needs fuel to survive. Fuel is essential, but for the body to run efficiently it has to have the right fuel. Just like a car if you never keep up with the preventative maintenance then it will wear out and shut down. So the first adjustment is getting rid of the junk food. Say goodbye to soft drinks, Twinkies, potato chips, ice cream, and oh yeah alcohol. Put down that cold beer and grab a bottle of ice water my friend. Deprive yourself of the bad stuff as much as possible. Discipline is the answer.
The 2nd Adjustment: The next step is finding out what good fuel you need to replace the bad fuel. An easy and seemingly obvious fix is to make sure that you eat a variety of fruits and vegetables. You are probably wondering how many fruits and vegetables would be the HIGH OCTANE BOOST that your strength program needs to jump into high gear? I like to recommend the magical number 5. Try to eat at least a variety of 5 fruits and vegetables a day. Getting 5 will assure you get enough variety of vitamins and minerals to efficiently run your ENGINE!
This is the quickest fix you can make to your nutrition plan and lifestyle for an explosive start. I have seen this adjustment make as much of a difference as 5-7 pounds in a week! Remember friend this is only the beginning.
To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at http://www.efandps.com To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:http://www.efandps.com/www.efandps.com/Brandons_Members_Newsletter.html I’m Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro! |