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5 Tips To Help You Acquire Super Thrilling Inspiration…

5 Tips To Help You Acquire Super Thrilling Inspiration…

Excited for Spring! [Explored!] by GrizzlysGhost

So today I’m steering the topic in a slightly different direction. Not long ago I got an email from one of my readers asking me about my training program. She was telling me that she was probably a bit older (she felt) than probably the majority of my readers. She openly communicated how she had to overcome an overwhelming amount of health issues including cancer.

Living in a small town she had also gotten nothing but discouragement when even trying to mention making an attempt at strength training and getting herself into shape. I simply told her in true Brandon style that those other people discouraging her could kiss her ass and that it was time for her to go lock, stock, and complete beast mode with upgrading her state of health! It was time for her to use this as fuel to prove a whole lot of people wrong!

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Like Anything Else… Strength Is A Skill!

Like Anything Else… Strength Is A Skill!

Skills That Pay The Bills by dulk

So the other day I had a couple of newbies to come into one of my classes for the very first time and with me everyone gets evaluated on day 1. I brought them in and in the usual order of things immediately started working on walking them through my series of dynamic warm ups, the conditioning phase, and then ultimately I had a look at how well they could squat, deadlift, and just move in general. During this process I got some interesting looks from the trainees as I started them in on this approach. I could tell this was a completely new experience for them!

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Coffee…An Ergogenic Aid For Your Performance?

Coffee…An Ergogenic Aid For Your Performance?

Cup of Coffee by fhansenphoto

Are you like me first thing in the morning by the fact that if you don’t get your coffee do you immediately transform into a Grizzly bear and savagely destroy anything in your path to get to that first cup? Ok, maybe it’s not that bad, but if you are a coffee junkie then you know where I’m coming from. So what about that funky word Ergogenic Aid you read in the title? Well, you’re lucky I’ve had my coffee today because I’m going to dive into that right here in today’s post!

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Sports Done Backwards…Youth Strength Training Fail???

Sports Done Backwards…Youth Strength Training Fail???

Singapore Sports School by chloe.Ry

The other day I started reading a little article about youth athletes and the number of travel teams, sports leagues, and other things that we have these days for exposing youngsters to the world of athletic competition. There is no doubt about the growth of these leagues in nearly every sport and it seems that the population continues to grow more and more every season.

As a strength coach I’ve been fortunate to work with a great deal of pro level athletes, but I’ve also trained a great deal of youngsters as well over the years. Because of the training experience with the youngsters I want to talk about a possible problem with a great deal of America’s approach to sports, at least to a certain degree.

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Overtraining…More Doesn’t Mean Better!

Overtraining…More Doesn’t Mean Better!

Sleepy Female Lion, South Africa by JenvanW

So lately I’ve had some folks email me and come to me to tell me that they have had trouble sleeping at night and have been burned out on even thinking about training themselves as of late. I took the time to examine where they were coming from and tried to dive a little deeper into the reasons as to why they would be experiencing these not so normal physical symptoms. Well make sure to get your favorite Bond movie ready because it may be the actual solution to your training woes here in the short term my friend.

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