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5 Things That Are Killing Your Strength Gains!

5 Things That Are Killing Your Strength Gains!

by: Brandon Richey

5 Things That Are Killing Your Strength Gains!

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Everybody appreciates a good villain when they sit down to read a story or to watch a kick ass action movie. The stout looking Gent pictured above is Goldfinger’s famous henchman Odd Job from the original 007 movie. I know it’s old school, but this guy was a handful. He was quite the killer and today that’s why I’m going to be talking about some other killers that you may not be aware of. These killers are damaging your progress in the weight room  and if you have your own “Odd Job” to fight then you better read up so that you will know how to win, otherwise you’re going to get beaten up pretty bad.

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