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A Knight’s Tale…Strength And Conditioning Recommendations For Sir Lancelot?

A Knight’s Tale…Strength And Conditioning Recommendations For Sir Lancelot?

Knights of the Damned by redshift27


Call the squire and inform him that Sir BR is about to show his fellow knights a way to build on their already mean jousting skills! I was up late Saturday night (post Saturday Night Live), yeah that late! Anyways, I came across a very interesting show on the History channel called Full Metal Jousting. Yes, believe it or not it was about modern day Knights suiting up in armored gear,  jumping on horseback, and galloping towards one another at killer speeds while trying to plant a large stick (a lance) on the shoulder of their opponent to knock his ass off his horse! Crazy sport right? I sure thought so which is why I kept on watching. As a strength and conditioning coach I couldn’t help but study their techniques and movements and try to come up with a sort of strength and conditioning assessment for the needs of the modern day Sir Lancelot!

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