BRF Strength Audios…
With the internet blowing up with more and more information this day and age there are tons of places for you to get bombarded with different opinions on strength, health, performance, and anything else associated with the human body. I love reading, writing (most of the time), and watching videos.
However every now and then I like to just listen to a good story or some kind of self help tutorial in order to get my mind right for the day. It’s nice to shut off the radio and turn on something useful in order to learn. Being drawn in by a friendly and passionate voice that shares your beliefs is something that just never seems to lose its value. This is exactly what I wanted to provide for you here with the BRF Strength Audios. Check out the available playlists for you below:
Failure Is Necessary Audio Offer
Was $24 Now For A Limited Time Only $.99
Duration Of Audio 33 Minutes 18 Seconds
Failure Is Necessary is an audio based on the necessary principles of life that also tie directly into the success of your strength and conditioning program as well. In Failure Is Necessary you’ll discover:
- How to deal with and overcome adversity by allowing me to tell you my own story.
- How Failure Is Necessary, but NOT permanent.
- Real life on how politics pretty much always trumps merit, but how you can overcome this.
- How failure produces winning!
This is the perfect audio to help you during your work commute and to ready your mind for the day ahead, or to help you to put that rough day behind you. It will transform your perspective and I will merely share with you the hardships of what I’ve had to experience and how I carry that over into driving towards success in my strength and conditioning business.
Train Outside The Box
Was $22 Now For A Limited Time Only $.99
Duration Of Audio Is 20 Minutes 11 Seconds

Train Outside The Box is an audio based on teaching you how to go about approaching your training and thinking of what is conventional in a completely different way. In Train Outside The Box you’ll discover:
- How to completely change your mindset in regards to your approach on strength training.
- Why you must NOT have tunnel vision.
- How one goes about doing this.
- What the benefits are for training outside the box.
- Why you must learn to Think outside the box!
This is the perfect audio for you to learn how to adapt and to effectively utilize the resources that you have available to you. Compared to the majority of the population this audio offers a unique and different perspective on how you can obtain strength, athleticism, and non-stop fitness to propel your training in a positive direction regardless of what resources you may have at your disposal. Download your copy now and start your smart training today!
The Laws Of Strength

The Laws Of Strength is an audio I created for the purpose of teaching you how to view what training is through the mind of a strength and conditioning coach. The Laws Of Strength will expose you to the following:
- A clear and logical definition of strength
- The distinct differences between what a workout is and what training for enhanced skill development is in sport or competition.
- The characteristics of strength and performance.
- The differences in training energy systems as it pertains to your goals.
- What Hybrid training is all about.
This audio is tremendous for giving you a clear and logical explanation about what true strength development is all about. Additionally I also go into detail about what it takes to obtain the level of strength you are searching for based on your specific goals. If you are thinking about hiring a trainer or coach for their services I also include a neat little trick for you to try so that you can tell whether or not they are up for the task. You’ll be shocked at how many trainers fail this experiment! Get your copy and start your smart training today!